My precious baby

By Anonymous - 08/11/2013 23:02 - Canada - Calgary

Today, she did it again. While I was minding my own business reading the paper, she casually walked up to me and slashed my face with her nails, drawing blood and screams of pain. I need to get out of this abusive relationship, but no one will adopt my asshole of a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 673
You deserved it 8 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you get beat into submission by a pussy, I see nothing out of the ordinary here

ALL cats think like this. The difference between most cats and yours is that yours actually has the guts to go through with it.


I have two female bengals who enjoy ripping each other's fur out as soon as you turn the lights out to go to bed. But hey, if you let them outside to run around, they find worms and kill animals and bring them inside. So cute -.-'

maybe she just wants to read the paper with u...........

my first thought was a female wolverine on her period. then i realized that a cat was pretty close

And not owning a brain is where you screwed up. Let's see, an animal that keeps the rodent population down (and isn't poisonous), is independent and self sufficient enough to not need a walk every damn day, and can offer long term companionship when cared for properly. That's not a bad pet, it might not be your choice, but it doesn't mean anyone who chooses to own that kind of animal ****** up. It just means they prefer a more independent animal, or maybe OP is allergic to dogs, but not cats. As others have said there's more than likely something wrong with the cat. It could be hurt or sick or maybe just stressed out. The only way to know for sure is for OP to take his cat to the vet and get some tests done. It could be that OP is gone most of the day so when OP is actually home OP's cat gets annoyed that it doesn't get as much attention as it wants. The solution to that would be to set aside time to spend with the cat just petting or playing with it so it doesn't feel neglected. Regardless of the cause of the cat's aggressiveness, no one inherently ***** up by owning any kind of animal unless that animal is potentially fatally dangerous, or if they're unable to commit to their pet like it's a family member by taking responsibility for it and not abandoning it when it becomes the slightest bit of an inconvenience. You don't like cats? That's fine, but OP hardly ****** up by owning a cat. If OP had a small child in the house and one day decides to bring a scorpion home as a pet, then THAT'S a **** up pet wise. Anywho /endrant

Probably because you don't know the difference between the word "an" and the word "and" Also, who whines about not getting their FML published? I mention the story of my FML that didn't get published in my profile, but I don't whine on someone else's FML.

gargartibold 13

Completely off topic, but I have that exact same shirt #11

JMichael 25

Consider having the cat declawed? But if it were me I wouldn't own a cat in the first place.

Declawing is never a good soulution! It causes way more problems.

106-Next time you hit someone let's cut off the tips of your fingers up to your second knuckle, okay? Because that's what declawing does, it literally removes part of their "fingers" very inhumane.

cryssycakesx3 22

OMG please just shut up about declawing cats. people are doing worse things to their animals. it's at least a solution to keep her and not dump her somewhere.

OMG please stop searching out my comments and attacking me personally. Get over yourself. No one gives a rat's ass. Besides, saying that there are worse things that people are doing to their animals does not make it okay to do something "less" bad to them. That logic is severely flawed. It's like saying since car theft isn't as awful a crime as murder that police shouldn't investigate it or try to bring the criminals to justice. It just doesn't make sense. The best solution to keep this cat is to get it the care and attention that it needs. There are several reasons it could be acting this way, it could want more affection from OP or it's trying to tell OP that it's in pain, either way OP decided to get a cat and thus decided to deal with claws and potential scratching problems. If OP wanted a harmless animal that doesn't require much if any attention then OP should've gotten a goldfish. OP needs to be responsible for their animal.