My precious baby

By Anonymous - 08/11/2013 23:02 - Canada - Calgary

Today, she did it again. While I was minding my own business reading the paper, she casually walked up to me and slashed my face with her nails, drawing blood and screams of pain. I need to get out of this abusive relationship, but no one will adopt my asshole of a cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 673
You deserved it 8 728

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you get beat into submission by a pussy, I see nothing out of the ordinary here

ALL cats think like this. The difference between most cats and yours is that yours actually has the guts to go through with it.


You need to discipline it. Hit it. Kick or something. Hard, but you don't want to cause damage. Just enough to shock it otherwise it'll never respect you

yeah right.... caus a cat will understand that....-.-

Please never own an animal, or reproduce. Ever.

All these people voting comments down for saying get rid of a cat that is violent. FFS, it's a cat. If it was a dog that bit a kid you'd be saying it had to be put down. Why should OP have to live in fear of injury from some feral feline? Take it to a shelter OP and get on with your life.

cats usually do this because they want attention. try petting her before she does this.

Exactly! A scratching post is a good investment. When my cat gets mad she will run over and scratch her post.

how is it still possible people have cats but not a real scratch place? it's like buying a house wo a bathroom

You don't beat ur pussy back. I would give it a spanking!

Why you need a dog is that right there!

Maybe you can call Jackson Galaxy from My Cat from Hell. :)

Get her declawed if it's getting to be a problem.

YDI because **** cats. You have to make them afraid of you, pussy

YDI. Shouldn't have gotten a stupid cat. Dogs are the superior pet. Forget cats, dogs are better.