
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United States - Chicago

Today, I learned how it feels to sneeze after having major spinal surgery when the pain medication has almost completely worn off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 872
You deserved it 1 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. I hope you heal and you don't sneeze often until you do.

Thats snot fun. hopefully you can take some painkillers and feel better!


Probably very similar to sneezing after sinus surgery...sorry dude

I feel you… but I still had to laugh. There's nothing better than Schadenfreude after a long day.

Just reading this made me cringe, FYL. Hope you have a fast recovery OP!

finalyearsofhate 22

I got a really bad cold right after my gall bladder surgery. every sneezing fit brought on hiccups. I can feel your pain op. sorry

I have back pain and sometimes when I sneeze it hurts to the point I try not to move at all. I hope you get better and hopefully you can walk again! Just take the morphine/painkillers that the Doc will prescribe you. Just remember to stop taking them after you don't need them. It will mess you up if you take them for too long!

did that a couple of hours after a c section. they had to replace some of my staples. I can't even imagine how awful that felt after spinal surgery. hang in there op.

thunderniron 22

I feel for you. I know that feeling intimately.

I know you mean the meds they give you in surgery. Mine didnt feel that bad for a few hours after either. But you really need to take the pills they give you every x hours. Dont wait for the pain to start, because it takes about an hour to work.