Smooth operator

By Nic - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I put on some skimpy shorts and bent down to get something on the bottom shelf of the fridge to get my boyfriend's attention. On my way up, I slammed my head on the edge of the fridge. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 948
You deserved it 46 041

Same thing different taste


TwoStrikeBadAss 0

Hahahahahahaah stupid little slutty girls always starving for attention, half of you when you finally get attention it's not what you asked for... YDI ****

iEmily 0

I disagree, I think 127 is pretty.

icantellu 7

You def got his attention. Good job!

bennnd and sn-BAM! fuuuuuck the creepy neighbors life for peeping into your window and watching as all this transpired.

valeriek 0

ahahahahha!!! that made me actually lol

I have, on many occasions, done the same thing(besides hitting my head) When my boyfriend is up late at night playing video games or somethin, I will walk past him, naked or in something sexy, not saying anything to him. Its fun to watch him fumble with his controller

And i am pretty sure every girlfriend in the history of girlfriends has pulled this move in one way or another.

smooth move genius.. Your boyfriend should break up with your clumsy ass

"I'm an asshole-y-ole-y-ole-y-ole-y-ole......" Come on guys! Sing it with me!

denying_xistance 0

I agree with Corgi and 36, that's not sluttish at all it's her bf