Social distancing

By Noname - 15/02/2009 05:44 - United States

Today, I stood by the wall at a party while everyone else danced and ignored me. It was my birthday party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 943
You deserved it 11 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get out there and dance! You can complain about things or you can have fun. When you're out with people, be the creator not the detractor. You and everybody else will have a better time. Trust me. I've been the wall person. It's not fun. And Happy Birthday!


kieran247 0
smartblonde98 0

poor u op that happened to me to and it sux ):

sukhdeep 4

happy belated birthday!! heyy, yur not a loser! atleast they showed up!! :]

FML858 0

a day after valentines day? that's a nice day to be born on!

elizabethan13 0

you definitely need to get out there!! life's too short!!! :) happy birthday tho :)

Quit playing the victim, get out there! Make yourself known

doglover100 28

Happy belated birthday. Atleast they showed.

For everyone saying OP should just get out there and mingle: easier said than done. Some people have some forms of social anxiety which make it difficult to put themselves out there and risk embarrassment or the feeling they've lost control, etc. Not only that, but the point of the FML is that these people are OP's friends and they aren't bothering to see what's wrong with him/her. Yes, OP should be socializing with guests. But at the same time, it's their birthday! On an important day like that it's supposed to be all about you. That tells me that OP's friends are pretty shitty for ignoring him/her and letting them get away with standing there alone. If one of my friends were acting like that on any given day, let alone their birthday, I'd immediately go over to see what's wrong. OP, I'm sorry people made it hard to enjoy your own party. Try having a specific job, like being the DJ. People will come up to you if only to request a song and you can start a conversation from there. Or you can go around to your guests and ask them if their having a good time. Then you look like a good host/hostess and aren't stuck at the wall and have a chance to either mingle, or smack these losers in the head for not noticing you. Your choice. Happy Birthday!!

Elfkid21 19

I'm not going to feel sorry for you. it yours bday YOUR PARTY you should have let loose and danced with everyone else. it's your fault for being miserable, not there's.