There goes the neighborhood…

By Anonymous - 21/10/2021 11:00

Today, my drunk neighbor couldn’t get into his apartment and thought it would be a good idea to poop in our yard. He left a pile of diarrhea under our window, and poop-stained napkins all over the lawn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 006
You deserved it 65

Same thing different taste

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I know this isn’t the point, and it’s a weird question, but how does one leave “a pile of diarrhea”? My brain can’t picture that…and yes, sadly, I did try to

From his perspective, it was a good idea. Another good idea: You should move.


From his perspective, it was a good idea. Another good idea: You should move.

I know this isn’t the point, and it’s a weird question, but how does one leave “a pile of diarrhea”? My brain can’t picture that…and yes, sadly, I did try to

It can happen. I do not wish to discuss this further.

heliosphere 1

That’s from the movie Friday