By Albert Einstein - 25/04/2016 03:33 - Germany

Today, I couldn’t solve my 10 year-old daughter's math problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 351
You deserved it 83

Top comments

Gardakan 1

This myth that Albert Einstein failed grade school math has no basis in either reality or common sense. He excelled at math. He also never had a 10-year-old daughter.


KinglyBee 3

I know a lot of people have been rude about this, and that sucks. I really like the new layout. Very innovative and eye-catching. It brings the site into modern day. However I don't really like the historical FML'S. I don't know about everyone else, but I've followed this site for about seven years and it doesn't fit in with ANY existing content, or why I read these. I find a few amusing, but I'm not here to read them. Maybe putting them in a separate tab out of the actual feed so that people who can enjoy them can enjoy them while letting the rest of us read on would be better?

Why is every one taking these historical FMLs so seriously? There're meant to be goofy.

Could you please stop spreading lies ? You are clearly disinforming people, which is quite shameful. I'm not saying this should be an educational website, but there is a line I think, you must not cross with History. There are plenty of real FML moments in History, why don't you pick them ?

These are brown because they are shitty.

fun_fml 0
fun_fml 0

Yeah, "FML Comments Gone Wild". I would love to see that.