By Painfulfaceforme - 14/03/2010 02:30 - Canada

Today, I followed an acne treatment. It was only after I'd finished the treatment that I read the bottom line, stating "Do not scrub your face". I only had one pimple to start with, now it looks like I sandpapered my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 776
You deserved it 31 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you only had one pimple, why would you have put the treatment all over your face anyway? obvious YDI.

JonathanG_fml 0

always read the bottle first. YDI


Hey guys look it's female jesus. No it's just snicker on her high horse again

YDI. common sense is apparently not your forte.

if you only had one pimple, why would you have put the treatment all over your face anyway? obvious YDI.

brandibaby 0

i hate you snicerdoodles your always anal about shit and do bad jokes

Op clearly it was a new treatment because you screwed it up. On that note, when trying anything new common sense dictates to read the instructions first. I don't mean half ass the reading also. I mean fully and thoroughly read it so you don't destroy the rest of your have. I'm just happy I've near had an acne problem.

cheap123 0

Snickerdoodles, you are by far my favorite person on this otherwise pretty boring website. I find myself disappointed when I open one of these poorly written stories only to find that you have not commented. The fact that people get upset that you correct their grammar is hilarious to me. If they don't want it corrected, use it correctly. Feel free to correct mine as you see fit.

GO SMOCKS YEAH! By the way, I liked your "shmexy librarian" pic; what happened to that? :3

lowcut 0

One pimple? Why were you using a full-face treatment for one pimple? Considering that lots of acne medications tend to make the problem worse before they make it better... Do yourself a favor. One, read the instructions. Two, read the instructions long BEFORE you slather the stuff all over your, while you're still in the store. Invest in a spot treatment. Your face will thank you.

Pendatic, you're wrong. (geddit?!) He was proclaiming to the OP that he will forever be "your [grade] 'A' retard."