By bummed - 04/11/2010 03:16 - United States

Today, I found out a 6-month pregnant woman is claiming my boyfriend to be the father. Even though this would have been previous to our relationship, he already has two kids from getting girls pregnant in high school. I guess he didn't learn his lesson the first two times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 181
You deserved it 16 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for dating a guy with two kids from different girls and expecting him to magically change with you Consider yourself lucky it wasn't you who got pregnant

aadk 0

He should totally go to Maury or Jerry Springer


knibbsy 4

Where was John dancing? What walks Japan's dogs? Weiners wanking just daily?

Igniculus 0

What would Jesus do? Uhm, not have sex?

Omg lucky ur not the pregnant one! how r u meant to have a good life together when all his money is going towards child support for 3 kids?? u will basically be working harder to survive all because he couldn't keep it in his friggin pants!! WWJD?

You can still get pregnant by pulling out. You can even get knocked up on the pill or with a condom.

pop_a_squat 2

Please tell me you're leaving your boyfriend OP. Don't consider it. Just do it. He obviously doesn't respect you or any of those other women, and if he got them pregnant think of what could happen to you.

samicna 4

yet your with him? um how is this an fml? fhl for having a girlfriend who thinks his kids is an fml

crauen 0

it's an fml cause he has 2 kids with 2 different women and a third with a third on the way

The kids themselves aren't the FML. Having a boyfriend too dense to understand contraception or too selfish to understand responsibility is the FML. One accidental kid?OK, so maybe the condom broke or she was super-fertile. Three means you're doing it wrong, or not at all. =

agree, agree, agree. I agree so much that I am able to look past your misuse of "your"

IrishJane used the correct "you're".

This was before you sure he has kids shitty buzz but it's not like he cheated he's just a moron I'm sure you knew that tho. wwjd the big J would show forgiveness I mean really people come on Mary M Judas and the list goes on funny how people use big J to back up their bullshit points if you love him and he didn't betray you.You accept it and move on if you can't accept it don't act like its his issue because its clearly yours end of story maybe he'll still be around when the surgeons get around to taking the stick out of your butt and maybe just maybe he'll forgive you for being so judgmental

WWJD? Nothing... he'd have to exist first :/ kick him in the balls, he might hate you but by making him sterile you are doing him some good

im curious.. you believe in evolution then? clearly..

Pff, In this century, every rational person should believe in evolution. It isn't a theory, it's a fact, proven with evidence. But still, don't forget that Jesus really lived once.

RedPillSucks 31

@68 - It's possible to believe in Jesus and evolution. I know many scientists who do.

LOLatU87 0
therighthero 0

Where the hell do all these girls on this site find these losers?!

Anywhere MTV films a show and then leaves I'd imagine.

Invierno 10

Sadly, they're not so hard to find. They they stay with them is what I can't seem to understand.