By Anonymous - 05/05/2012 11:44 - United States

Today, I got tasered by a cop. It was his second day on the job. My crime? Sneezing during a sobriety test. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 888
You deserved it 2 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cop: I'm gonna need you to walk on the line, son. OP: Sir, I swear I'm not dru--ATCHOO! Cop: We've got a fighter! *Zap Zap* This is how most cops behave anyway. I see a promotion in his future.

My dad once saw a naked man with a spear running around a park get tazed.


maebelline12 12

Ha that's terrible! Guess that cop wanted to make sure his taser worked! Hope you're all ok now;)

Leximin54 5

Tasered? It's tased. U Still drunk?

thatoneguy79 10

U? It's 'You'. I'm fairly certain OP is not a university or a letter in the alphabet.

eman1972 4

It sounds like it's a payday for you! They can't legally tase you for that.

@Lunadragon. You do realise that we all live in different countries. Just because something was on the news in your country doesn't mean that it was on the news everywhere else in the world. I never heard of someone saying that phrase before and I wouldn't have understood it if you didn't point it out. I also don't understand why he was thumbed down. He was just asking a question. Answering the question or pointing him in the right direction like Lunadragon did would have been alot nicer.

Cops nowadays are just a joke. They think they can get away with anything. Like harming innocent people, at any time.

jerseyboy732 16

normal citizens don't need to be tazed to carry one. that only applies to LEOs. and sorry to say if OP wants to become a cop this current tasing doesn't count he will need to be tazed again

I don't know why, but it reminds me of The Hangover.

Wow, you should report him for that.

thatoneguy79 10

Prior to joining the police force, the young officer worked as an exorcist, where electro-shock therapy was his most useful tool against the deamons that posses our soul. When you sneezed, indicating you were in a possessed state, he reacted on instinct and reached out to remove the deamon the best way he knew how. He was not tasing you, but the devil spawn in your soul. Be sure to thank him when you see him for your follow up appointment.