By tuck87 - 18/07/2014 15:49 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I had a customer write "fuck you" in the tip option area on his credit card slip, I have no idea why. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 830
You deserved it 5 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you tell him you aren't a prostitute.

Why is it so ******* difficult for some people to just have some good manners? If someone does you a service, you thank (and maybe even a tip) them. Ungrateful ness annoys me so much.


I hope I don't sound like an asshole but I don't see this as a big problem honestly. Like eh it happens

keliflowers96 9

Be like, "bitch please, I can do better than you."

Cause he had a bad day He's taking one down He sang a sad song just to turn it around.

It's probably because you gave bad service...

Once I got a tip saying" Don't be a Waiter".

tipping **** you is unacceptable... he is an asshole...

Maybe it's because you don't have a clue...

Because **** you, that's why. Seriously though, that person sounds like an insignificant prick in your side. perhaps you could attempt to remember him and give him the service he deserves next time.