By tuck87 - 18/07/2014 15:49 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I had a customer write "fuck you" in the tip option area on his credit card slip, I have no idea why. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 830
You deserved it 5 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you tell him you aren't a prostitute.

Why is it so ******* difficult for some people to just have some good manners? If someone does you a service, you thank (and maybe even a tip) them. Ungrateful ness annoys me so much.


You probably didn't see the question mark at the end.. Take it as a compliment and move on.

WasabiMars 21

Some people are just jerks OP.

Her couldn't have given bad service, he's from Canada.

maybe he just hates giving tips?.. it doesn't necessarily mean it was directed at you.. :0

I remember something very similar like that happening to me. My boss however, was right there and showed him. My boss kicked the guy out and was banned.

I once had people leave me 10 dollars less than the bill amounted to, and they wrote on the check "-10 dollars because the food took too long". So not only did I not get a tip, I had to pay 10 dollars of my own money to make up the difference. Another time I got "tipped" a condom. In conclusion; some people are assholes.

Isn't it illegal for employers to take money out of your check because a customer doesn't pay?