By johnny121 - 01/01/2010 19:14 - France

Today, I had to go to the hospital. While I was there, my mom started hitting on a doctor. Later I saw them making out in the room next to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 036
You deserved it 2 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On the plus side, your medical bills no longer have to come out of your college fund!


tatiianah_fml 0

wow your mom is the biggest ***** I have ever heard about

damn the doc could get in some serious trouble!

Sounds like something my mom would do to me..hopefully it's a cute doctor..

Least he was a doc p: good daddy. rich daddy. yay? gota be optimistic

that's really disturbing. so sorry this is definatly an fml.

Breach of medical ethics? Ding, ding, ding! At least if he ever p!sses you off, you can report him to the licensing board *shrugs*