By OfCourse - 27/06/2009 05:32 - United States

Today, I learned my 40 year old father is marrying a girl barely a year and a half older than me. She told me not to be afraid to call her mom. I was torn between punching her in the face and vomiting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 268
You deserved it 3 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amatayo 0

so which did you pick cuz I might have done the first to her then my dad


Ew that is sick, I'm 20 and engaged to a 38 year old man. He has a 4yr old and a 2yr old and I don't even ask them to call me mom! Never would.

It's your life, but those kids could really use a mom as they grow up. Are you not going to be as nurturing as a biological mother also?

Lol, that's not what she was saying and you know it. "I don't expect my stepchildren to call me mom," and, "I won't take care of my stepchildren," are two different things.

rubmytummy 0

punch her in the face. and then punch your dad in the balls.

LollyPop1 0

Oh, I'm sorry, that must really suck.... :(

tapesculpture 0
ImAKlutz15 0

Seriously why in the world would she think you would call her mom? She's old enough to be your sister!

cattoe7 0

should have punched her and vomited everywhere then said 'hey mom can you clean that up?'

call her sis instead xO but yeah >.> shoulda slapped her ^^;

vomit on her face that way u get to do both

ben26_fml 0

If it helps, i would have punched her. then spat on it.