By OfCourse - 27/06/2009 05:32 - United States

Today, I learned my 40 year old father is marrying a girl barely a year and a half older than me. She told me not to be afraid to call her mom. I was torn between punching her in the face and vomiting. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 268
You deserved it 3 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

amatayo 0

so which did you pick cuz I might have done the first to her then my dad


F*cking punch her in the face! That was obviously to disturb and to provoke you. She's really a b*tch wht...

theunluckyleproc 0

Why would it dad marry someone at least 25 years younger than him?

Because he can and everyone keeps speculating the on the high side for age. How do we know that his daughter wasn't born when he was sixteen? In that case the woman he is marrying could be 25-26.

ithedarkknight 0

wow stop crying cus your dad is having a good time with a younger female... why do girls always whine when a guy is doing his thing... and gets a younger girl...stop hating on your dad and go find your self a man wow big deal its not like he is fcking a little girl she is a grown women...point black STOP give you a third option punch yourself in the face...

greatnt249 0

She's pissed about the woman telling the OP that she could call her "Mom"; I'd be pissed as well.

people think its wrong for an older man to date a younger woman or vise versa, but if you where older say 40's-50's or something and you could get young girls or guys would you do it? or would you go for people more your "age"

UnCensoredBitch 0

I understand how you feel - 4 years ago my dad was 54 and married a girl 26 when I was 23! She is 3 years older than me! AND to make it worse they have had 2 children together, and she already had a son from a previous relationship! :( So she likes to think they have their own family now and I don't exist! So watch out for that!

i would lean more towards the punching option.

That does suck. Maybe you should have punched her in the face and then vomit on her though. But at least she wasn't being the even more bitchy type and started ignoring you. But that is kinda gross with the age thing. Have fun with your new "mom" or "sister"! Well, whatever you want to call her. TEEHEE

I would have punched her in the face, then while shes down vomit on her. at least the rest of her day would be ruined. lol

At that point, I wouldn't even call her mom or even her actual name. She's not your step-mother, she's just some broad who's married to your dad. That's how I see it, and that's what I'd call her if I was in your situation. "Hey dad, hey lady who's married to my dad." I'd move out ASAP, or at the very least, spend as little time as possible in the house.