By MegasaurusRex89 - 18/10/2014 00:04 - United States - Daly City

Today, I learned that if you give a squirrel a cookie, he'll climb up your pants in search of more cookies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 153
You deserved it 7 749

MegasaurusRex89 tells us more.

I did run, but I stopped when I saw another squirrel looking at me and that's when the first one caught up. Greedy and determined little bastards I tell ya! (I'm OP, by the way... And a girl.)

Top comments

Haven't you ever read the book "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie?" I'm pretty sure the principal applies to squirrels too.


And when he climbs up your pants, he'll find nuts. When he finds nuts, he'll want to rip them off. When he rips them off, you go to the hospital. When you go to the hospital, you explain. When you explain, you get a brand new straight jacket.

I don't think he would find any nuts in my pants

martin8337 35

Hey, OP, that's good to know, in this day and age, men are women, women are men and there are others just can't tell one way or the other.

Don't tell me... Did he go squirrelly for your nuts?

you definitely drive nuts to that squirrel...

katydid91 31

This FML is not very specific. Did the squirrel actually climb inside your pants or did he just shimmy up the outside of them?

He shimmied up haha. Luckily I wore skinny jeans

"Pipe the **** down! You're the type person who gets mauled because you think it's cool feed a bear and shit" -Famous words of JennaMarbles

thejimler 9

As long as he doesn't keep his nuts in there...

this is the best thing I've read all day