By burning balls of fuck this - 25/02/2013 22:30 - United States - Oakton

Today, I locked my keys in my truck. The good news is that I have a spare set in my house. The bad news is that my house key is on the same keyring as my locked-in truck key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 646
You deserved it 9 720

Same thing different taste


That's when you smash a rock through the window and grand theft auto that shit out of there. I mean, who the hell has time to wait for somebody to help them out?

Who the hell has money to replace a window every time they lock a key in their car?

Bill Gates. But he can just use his other Lamborghini.

No outside garage door opener? No 'Hide-a-Key'? Zip tie a spare truck door key behind the front grill to the vertical support. Next time this happens you can reach up under the grill, twist the key...breaking the zip tie...viola!!

bfsd42 20

Are you playing the viola? Or telling the op to get one?

shutupAnderson 7

Like a good neighbor Statefarm is there!

KY_Jelly 10

Now, which window do you want to break?

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

So they spare isn't in the house then?

The spare key IS in his house. He just isn't able to get inside his house because the house key is locked in his car.

Easy, do the State Farm jingle and wish yourself inside your car.

I would not wish myself inside my keys. I can't imagine that being much fun

OP- Call the cops and they will come and open the truck for you! Or sometimes, mall security or parking garage folk have the tool to open the thing up without breaking a window, etc... Good luck!

therealafroninga 10

Just bust the window in. No fear.

I don't know about you but I can not afford to replace a window if it broke.