By burning balls of fuck this - 25/02/2013 22:30 - United States - Oakton

Today, I locked my keys in my truck. The good news is that I have a spare set in my house. The bad news is that my house key is on the same keyring as my locked-in truck key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 646
You deserved it 9 720

Same thing different taste


When you finally break into your house and car, go buy a magnetic key hider for your car, and a fake rock or something to hide a house key in. Cuz this will happen again. It's like the Boy Scouts say: Be prepared, unless you're gay.

You know sometimes life throws a curveball and this seems to be one of those times just embrace and move on young Jedi

diablodeldragoon 6

zip tie the spare key under the truck in a place you can reach easily (not under the hood)

I would assume that someone somewhere has another copy. That could make me an ass, potentially..

When you get back in... call a locksmith and ask them to create a key.... then give you that keys specifications on paper. With that info any locksmith can make you a replacement key without the original. I carry my info in my wallet just in case. A good idea especially if you travel much.

You should have a spare house key hidden somewhere outside of your house. YDI

Thr33to16 8

Is the sheer stupidity burning your balls?

This is why I keep a spare car key in my wallet. if I don't have my wallet on me, i have bigger problems than not getting into my car.

BellaMarta 19