By MBean - 24/10/2013 18:04 - Anguilla - The Valley

Today, I saw a wasp on the ground, apparently injured and unable to fly. It was being mobbed by ants and looked certain to die, so I stamped on the ants to save its life. At this point it sprung up, stung me, then flew off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 563
You deserved it 28 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

graceinsheepwear 33

I am curious what code makes ants less worthy of life than wasps?


Sorry, OP--you don't deserve it, but now you know better. Never trust a wasp.

martin8337 35

OP, let nature take its course.

martin8337 35

That's why you don't trust those assholes.

Idiot wasps serve no useful function in nature except to sting you. They don't pollinate or make honey. They are a pain literally and figuratively. YDI

You can nurse the rattlesnake back to health, but never forget that it's a rattlesnake.

Now, this is how you think correctly about this. By far the best comment I've read and just made my time wasting a little pleasurable

jonahwalzer 12

Never safe a wasp, kill it with fire

Wasps really just exist to be assholes. Should've left the little bastard there to die.

A wasp on the ground unable to fly Mobbed by ants and certain to die. Stamping on ants to save it's life It sprung, stung and flew, clear of strife. The grief stricken ants were left at the scene to bury their dead, then answer the queen. " Where are the wings of the one who caused dread?" "Thou art but douchebags! Off with their heads!"