By anon - 27/03/2013 23:17 - Netherlands - Swalmen

Today, I showed my aunt and mother my tattoo. They both burst out laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 912
You deserved it 35 061

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Unless its a poorly drawn or ridiculously stupid tattoo, don't worry about it since its your skin and you have made the decision to ink it up, you kinda have to be above criticism.


itsallbullshit 4
Thatguy334 7

I feel like you should give us more info, because I'm not sure whether or not I should be sympathizing.

i bet it was angel wings on her neck, most older ppl dont get that

What an idiot. Next time when you think something like that has happened, tell the servers and let them handle it.

What's the hype with tattoos anyway? I don't quite get it. You are probably going to get it removed in the future so why waste money on it now?

Wow, so many YDI votes. Guys, if the OP is showing it to their relatives, chances are this wasn't an "I got drunk and stupidly decided to get a tattoo" situation. This is something the OP got on their own free will. Maybe the relatives were laughing at just the idea of getting inked or of something permanently on you for the rest of your life. Also, I noticed a lot of judgmental comments here. WOW, guys. Just wow. This isn't the day and age where tattoos are considered 'taboo'. Tattoos are another form of art. I've got two of them so far and I'm very proud of them. I'm getting another one soon as a way of memorializing my husband on my arm. They're not a 'fad' or anything. That being said, you do need to carefully consider what you're going to get and do very careful research. Drunk idiots who decide to get stupid tattoos because they lost their brains real briefly give tattoo bearers a bad name. That doesn't mean everyone's like that. Chill the frick out.