By Kasey Eames - 23/12/2012 06:19 - United States - Oceanside

Today, I told my husband to tell me his wildest fantasy. He told me it was to put on fake antlers and "do it like deer". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 898
You deserved it 8 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you can be his sexy little vixen! You don't hoof to do it of course, but fur your husband you might want to get into the festive spirit and have a little fawn with him


conqueror57 11

I would totally do it. What's the harm??

tj5810 21

Someone could get an eye poked out! That's the problem!

challan 19

Well, act fast Op... The rut is almost over.

Better head out to the woods. Deer don't "do it" indoors!

Cum Dancer, cum Prancer! Hmmm what else can I do...

jem970 19

Oh the puns! I havent laughed this much in forever! Thank you FMLers. Oh yes, your husbands an odd one OP.