By Catscratch - 01/09/2009 18:51 - United States

Today, I walked into the kitchen and saw a note my roomate posted. As I got close to read it I was attacked by a very pissed off cat. The note said "Left window open last night, stray cat got in. Watch out he isn't friendly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 474
You deserved it 3 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Leave him a note saying, "Hey, man, I left the door open and a rather large homosexual man came in. Careful. He's a bit TOO friendly," and have a huge guy come out of the corner right then.

Gingerly 0

Are you retarded? Stray and Feral cats can be really mean, they'll attack the shit out of you if they feel threatened.


I REALLY like this one!!! Highly improbable, yet just plausible enough... FOUR stars!!!

_jdreaming 0

And that is one reason i hate cats! Mean Asses!

#67, getting attacked by a random cat outside might be average. In your own home? Not so much. Someone should illustrate this!

Bahahhahahahah. That's pretty great :D But um..sorry for your misfortune xP

Ha ha ha! Funniest thing I read all day. Thanks for sharing ;-)

hahahahahahahaha! that is hilarious. holy crap. I laughed for like...10 minutes.