By Catscratch - 01/09/2009 18:51 - United States

Today, I walked into the kitchen and saw a note my roomate posted. As I got close to read it I was attacked by a very pissed off cat. The note said "Left window open last night, stray cat got in. Watch out he isn't friendly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 474
You deserved it 3 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Leave him a note saying, "Hey, man, I left the door open and a rather large homosexual man came in. Careful. He's a bit TOO friendly," and have a huge guy come out of the corner right then.

Gingerly 0

Are you retarded? Stray and Feral cats can be really mean, they'll attack the shit out of you if they feel threatened.


suckmysarcasm 10

if it was me i would attack the cat back and when my roomate came back he'd be like what happen to the cat? id be like yeah he wasnt friendly, but i wasnt friendly either...(evil grin)..^_^

lmfao I wish I could make that happen.

hateevryone 14

that sucks. i would find a broom and beat it

Killn4Laughs 0

After seeing alot of "adopt a cat" commercials-I was about I don't want to lol

YesyDidWhat 0

Is your friend an idiot or something?!

gators1995 30

Your username is cool and I love that show!!!

if somehow its still there 5 years later grab it by the scruff behind its neck and throw it outside