By Damn.... - 28/01/2011 19:26 - United States

Today, I was given the ultimate ultimatum: either I suffer excruciating stomach pains and remain a hostage to the porcelain whirlpool goddess, or I stop taking pain medication and face the wrath of a raging infection in my jaw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 843
You deserved it 3 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Or option 3- go see a reputable factor who will treat the infection rather than just hurl a prescription for Vicodin at you like some two-bit hack. Jesus, I think some "doctors" get their MD degrees out of a ******* Cracker Jack box.

You have to choose between an infection and a goddess? Tsk, you've got to be kidding me, what are you whining about?!


skyiscool 0

eat before taking your medicine

hghiPigh 0
hatepineapple 14

And this is why laptops were invented.

Spenerish 0

Possibly the most well-written FML I've seen so far...

Call your doctor and get a new pain killer or phengran to stop the nausea.

perdix 29

Ultimate ultimatum? What a n00b! Just get shit-faced drunk and stay that way until your jaw infection clears up or your jaw falls off. Problem solved. Jeesh!

Now I know where to go if I need some sound, well thought out advice. In other words: anywhere but here.

no no boners ur doing it all wrong, ur suppose to drink the gasoline not gurgle it

Jayyweezy 0
ManderPandaa12 0

How are you left with that choice?