By Damn.... - 28/01/2011 19:26 - United States

Today, I was given the ultimate ultimatum: either I suffer excruciating stomach pains and remain a hostage to the porcelain whirlpool goddess, or I stop taking pain medication and face the wrath of a raging infection in my jaw. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 843
You deserved it 3 124

Same thing different taste

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Or option 3- go see a reputable factor who will treat the infection rather than just hurl a prescription for Vicodin at you like some two-bit hack. Jesus, I think some "doctors" get their MD degrees out of a ******* Cracker Jack box.

You have to choose between an infection and a goddess? Tsk, you've got to be kidding me, what are you whining about?!


no the ultimate ultimatum is red pill or blue pill but still sucks for u

Seriously just eat bran cereal and prunes/prune juice while making sure you get plenty of water too! Coffee can help w/constipation as well, if your script allows it. These are more natural to use than some stool softners. GL

or you can take the antibiotic to kill the infection and try taking half of each pain killer and if that don't work, have someone kick you in the stomach. that'll make you forget the pain in your jaw

How are the pain meds gonna help if you just keep vomiting them back up? Call the dr and get something else.

Ok, I read that wrong. But you still need to call the dr.

Both of you are close to the right solution but you are supposed to light the gasoline to heat it up then turn of the flames with baileys and chug the whole thing.

birds_fml 7

Sounds like you're allergic to your antibiotic. You should go to the doctor and see if you can get a different one, if you haven't already. Don't stop taking it though... a jaw infection can go to your heart very quickly and kill you.

Porcelain whirlpool goddess? Seriously? Do you have nothing better to do?

Actually as soon as you get side affects from your medication that bad you are supposed to go back to the docter because the side effect might cause something worse.