By Anonymous - 21/12/2011 06:18 - Canada

Today, I was wanking and started thinking about why the Simpsons are yellow, and how that came to be. I haven't been laid in 4 years and my ADHD is so crippling that I can't jack off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 110
You deserved it 6 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I thought Marge's blue pubes would help you get to the finish line.


fromthesuck 8

If you have problem focusing while playing the pork flute then how are you gonna handle getting laid?

I think you have more problems than ADD ;)

zurisbloodyrose 0

Why is France so far awaaayyyy? I know how you feel OP. I was having sex with my girlfriend and got distracted by the Christmas song that came on -.-

Reading the comments feels like I have ADD as well. Who is the loner who takes Viagra to **********??? Thanks to everyone who taught me why the Simpsons are yellow and especially to the one who asked himself this question and wrote it here. You are my potential best friend.


Hmm adh must suc... Why is the sky blue?

KatherineAnne 7

2 thinks. First of all it would be ADD That's attention deficit disorder ADHD=attention deficit hyperactive disorder. He is referring to not being able to pay attention so it's ADD Second it's MUCH easier to focus on sex than ************. Visual aid and all that jazz...