By Anonymous - 21/12/2011 06:18 - Canada

Today, I was wanking and started thinking about why the Simpsons are yellow, and how that came to be. I haven't been laid in 4 years and my ADHD is so crippling that I can't jack off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 110
You deserved it 6 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I thought Marge's blue pubes would help you get to the finish line.


The same thing happened when I was using my vibrator. It's hard to concentrate when ADHD ***** you up. :/

I often wondered what Marge Simpson would look like naked

96- ADHD: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Symptoms: Impulsive, Has trouble staying still, and Easily distracted (I'm sure there are more, but those are all I care to list) Therefore, if it weren't for the fact that OP specified that he has ADD, one could easily assume that OP had ADHD, as both ADD ADHD involve having a short attention span:

GaleHawthorne 0

The Simpsons are yellow because they all have an STD that causes yellowish skin.

jalupe 4

damn and i thought that my two and a half years was bad.

Hey, ADHD is a seri.... Oh! Piece of candy!