By XxEmoWolfiexX - 24/05/2012 21:18 - United States - Indianapolis

Today, my cat woke me up, but not by kneading on me though. Instead, she woke me up by pouncing on the laser pointer my dad was shining on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 862
You deserved it 2 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

nelds 12

Haha your dad sounds funny.

Hopefully she didn't impale you with razor sharp claws.



Lol the man works hard let him enjoy himself! :D

For some reason I wanna say YOUR DAD IS AWESOME!!! Sorry,lol

PasstheWhiskey 3

Shine the laser on your dads nuts

HeroOfHyrule 0

Why is this thumbed down? I genuinely laughed at this.

OP, I don't like your username. Change it. Change it now! x) Otherwise, lucky youuu for having a cat!

C'mon OP this post belongs on MLIA not FML. That's funny!

Lol my kids are getting that tomorrow!!!!

bethanyjk 0

my cat would do the same thingg.