By thankskimi - 15/03/2009 18:29 - United States

Today, my first girlfriend of over 3 years left me for another guy. She said she's looking for someone who can financially provide for her in the future. The dude owns a T-Mobile kiosk. I'm going to medical school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 567 725
You deserved it 40 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry about her... You'll find a less stupid girl easily...

alex_vik 0

I'm sure you'll find someone intelligent.


Don't sweat it, man. I had an ex who did the same thing. Saw her 3 years later -- she got fat, failed out of school, and still had the same boyfriend. He worked at the meat counter at a grocery store. I'd actually be happy you got rid of her in time, she doesn't sound too bright...

HNL121 0

hell if she don't wanna be your girlfriend I will . (; she's dumb as hell & you deserve better than a greedy bitch .

Um, why should you provide for her future, you deserve better :)

what the hell are you so upset about? the bitch just admitted to chasing financial backing in a relationship.

Well... maybe you're a really bad med student. Or you're going into a non-lucrative area. Or your girlfriend is just stupid, and THAT one you should have seen coming. Dumb bitch should be going to school and providing for her own damn self anyway. Gold digging tramp.

tomorrowbroadway 0

I wonder what it's like for her to be that stupid... : So... where ya from? ;)

And, she's a failure of a gold digger. Now you don't have am moronic girlfriend. Sucks now, but you'll be better off.

L0L aww don't worry she was just looking for an excuse to get out of the relationship; But you cant make people love you so just move on

kwbuzz23wk 0

if she was too stupid to come up with a better excuse for breaking up with you then you should not want to date her anyhow

drackattack 0

true statement #23. you'll find someone who appreciates you for you and isn't a dumb idiot.

Dude, your life isn't ******. It's awesome. Go find a hotter, smarter girlfriend who's more compatible with you.