By thankskimi - 15/03/2009 18:29 - United States

Today, my first girlfriend of over 3 years left me for another guy. She said she's looking for someone who can financially provide for her in the future. The dude owns a T-Mobile kiosk. I'm going to medical school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 567 725
You deserved it 40 479

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry about her... You'll find a less stupid girl easily...

alex_vik 0

I'm sure you'll find someone intelligent.


In the short term, at least, the T-mobile kiosk guy might be able to provide greater financial stability... not only will you have a negative income while in medical school, but you may also make less money in your residency than you have to pay out in student loans. However, I agree with most of the other posters that you are probably better off without her. If she wants FUTURE financial stability, a medical student certainly trumps T-mobile kiosk owner!

yeah so she's one of those people who have no financial patience. good for you man, stay on your grind. the earlier you find out how stupid a girl is, the better. remember that. better to find out now than after, say, six or seven years. you know?

Hahahah to #15. And I agree with #31...technically, you're going to be in debt for another 4-6 what she said makes sense. But, uh, why doesn't she just get her own career? Women are allowed to do that now...

I say, you make a shit load of money then find her and be like "yeah, you definitely shouldn't have dumped me for that asshole" XD

kellster 2

Excuse me?? I thought this was the twenty-first century! I apologize on behalf of my kind, I didn't know men were still expected to provide financial security for us! What happened to having her own career?! You should have dumped HER for not being willing to "provide" for you - or at least, for herself! Good riddance, you're better off!

she will soon realise what she did. and yeah, you of course, deserve better!

shouldve bought the kiosk instead of going to school.

you'll find someone much better to spend money on :)

DonYoung 0

Well, med school is probably keeping you busy and maybe she just made up some excuse so she could find someone to spend more time with? No worries though man, just focus on studying now. Worry about the ladies later on.

What makes you think the guy at the kiosk isn't trying to pay his way through college? Maybe you're not? Is entitlement the reason she really left you? If you're pulling good grades and paying for your classes, she's a moron and you'll find someone else.