By Anon - 11/09/2009 01:19 - United States

Today, while at work I passed out due to my blood sugar not being normal. Despite the fact that it took 10 minutes to wake me, no one thought I was in any sort of danger. After the episode, I then got fired for "sleeping on the job." FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 387
You deserved it 2 961

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shouldn't your coworkers know you have diabetes?

Sucks to have low blood sugar issues. I once passed out shoveling snow, due to blood sugar, off my drive way and nearly froze to death so FYL


If you passed out as a result of a medical condition, chances are your company broke several federal and state laws in firing you. You might be able to get them to rehire you if you can produce a doctor's note to the effect that you have a chronic medical condition that may have caused you pass out. If they still refuse, contact your local Department of Labor or call an attorney who specializes in such matters.

I'm usually not one to advocate the U.S. legal system for anything, but I'll make an exception today for them. Take this company to court; at worst-case scenario, you'll get a settlement for lost wages plus damages and court/lawyer fees. I am making the assumption that you at some point during your employment listed your medical condition in writing (which is almost irrefutable).

You should manage your blood sugar better. Next time you may not wake up.

visage 0

YDI for not informing you boss, AND for letting yourself get so low, of the issue. I have the same prob, but I carry snacks at ALL times. furthermore, my coworkers know what to do if I fall over!

You can't always tell when you're low, sometimes it happens really suddenly. Even is the OP had told the coworkers, maybe they didn't remember or they panicked. And I'm really wondering how it looked like you were sleeping. It's a seizure, usually people don't twitch or scream when they're asleep.

hatcher 0

Not all people who experience seizures experience them in the same way. Some people have grand mal seizures with the twitching and thrashing, some people have complex partial seizures where they will get up and try to walk away (even when they are in a car on the high way. nice going, sister mine). Some people just blink, and some people pass out. I've only experienced one person's variety of seizure (epilepsy induced, not diabetes, so dubiously valid) and seizures ALWAYS made her sleepy. So it probably was a genuine seizure, it just didn't look like the kind you see on TV/the kind you yourself may have experienced.

unhappyperson 0
captainmaharet 1

It is time to get a lawyer. Make sure they specialize in disabilities and labor law. The Americans with Disabilities Act should make it a quick case. Also, get yourself to a doctor and take care of your condition or you will not live very long.

I am sure you can appeal based on your medical reasons, else sue them. Judge Judy! She rocks.

imblue 0

I'm not a doctor, but I play one on TV. :)