By laptopsRus - 19/05/2009 18:49 - United States

Today, while I was on my laptop, I decided to take a nap. Little did I know that my leg was covering up the cool air intake underneath the machine. I woke up an hour later with a first degree burn on my thigh. From a laptop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 911
You deserved it 45 200

Same thing different taste


I didn't know that was possible. Well, you learn something everyday. Thanks for that.

Why would you "decide" to nap with your laptop? It would take about two seconds to move the laptop and not risk it getting damaged in any way, and it would also be a lot comfier to sleep. If you had just fallen asleep while on it, that would suck, but since you "decided" to sleep with it, it's entirely your fault. You're just lucky your laptop's okay.

You must be a very heavy sleeper not to notice the burning sensation from the Laptop. You suck at life.

# 11 piss off. As for the OP, you deserved it =D

lnm701 0

Agree with #13...why would you ever decide to sleep with your laptop? That's just asking for it to get broken, you're lucky it didn't.

wowfmlife 0

#11 omg I'm wearing a hello kitty band aid right now! OP, yeah I hate when laptops get hot but don't sleep with one

I agree with #14. How did you not wake up? And whenever my laptop gets too hot because of lack of cool air, it shuts itself off.

Guys need to be careful. Apparently having a laptop on your lap for long periods of time can lead to impotency.