You wanker!

By Nik - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I went to the doctor because I broke my wrist. My mom told the nurse that I broke it while masturbating. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 316
You deserved it 4 529

Same thing different taste

Top comments


You must have some messed up techniques if you broke your whoa. Hahaha

dude, take it easy- nice and soft man, you dint want to break it. I wish I could say the latter for your wrist.

I'm surprised you didn't break your **** first

Lmfao @ 28 and 32!!! @OP: Your mom is a legend

Is it true? You should't lie to the doctor anyways. They can treat you for something else. How the **** did you break your wrist masturbating? My sister has *fractured* it falling on it on concrete at an awkward angle. You must jerk it like you can't even feel anything.

Shafreeka 8

A "fracture" and a "break" are the same thing. The differences are the degree of the break and so on, such as if it is a "complete" break all the way though the bone or a "hairline" and is just a crack in the bone (which most people think is what a fracture is). A "Break" is a average joe term, and "fracture" is the true medical terminology. Sorry for the rant. That is all.