By damn dog - 05/07/2013 05:43 - United States

Today, during a firework show, my dog gave me her opinion about them by practically eating half my bedroom door then defecating on my bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 692
You deserved it 7 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should play classical music when fireworks are going off, it's supposed to calm animals down. Works with our cat! We put his bed in a room with classical music playing and he'll sleep straight through the fireworks instead of being sick with stress. I know it sounds crazy..

badluckdawson 19

How does someone deserve this?


Kozmotis 8

Poor gal was probably suffering from an anxiety attack but I hope you told her what was wrong every time I discipline my dog he just looks away and doesn't face what he's done. Good luck and hope it doesn't happen again!

**** your dogs life for being so stressed that it had no choice in its mind but to eat a door and poop on your bed. Poor dog.

MikeonFML 17

I agree, consumption of half a doors worth of wood would be impressive. I image he/she chewed pieces off without swallowing much, that's what my dog used to do with other wooden things

SkyGuy32 17

I had a dog that ate a chair until when my dad sat in it, it just collapsed. And I swear that dog looked like it was ******* smiling.

inkdeath87 18

Yikes. FYL. That dog really hates fireworks.

Mine almost killed him self a few years ago by jumping through a window.

badluckdawson 19

How does someone deserve this?

Perhaps OP beats the dog and then subjects it to a terrifying display of flashing lights and deafening explosions. Just a thought.

Dogs should be kept well away from fireworks and not left alone, some can really get terrified, OP should of checked and or known this.

Yakostovian 18

And you should know that "should of" is grammatically incorrect.

KiddoKS 19

12, how do you know the dog was left alone. I was in the same room as my dog and she managed to knock over a lamp, spill the remote holder onto her head and push the couch away from the wall before I got to her. And where exactly are you going to go, other than another country, to keep well away from the fireworks on the 4th. Even if your city doesn't have a show, one of your neighbors probably will. We all love our pets and do our best, but it still sucks if something gets ruined. Op just wanted to vent.

You can't stop other people from setting off fireworks, and the noise is still loud in your house no matter what you do, so it's not OP's fault.

#31, the image of your dog spilling the remote holder on her head is kinda cute :')

KiddoKS 19

37 - It is always funny the following day :) Even smart dogs makes the worst decisions when they're scared.

If a dog can eat through a door and shit on a bed with him present, I'm impressed. Probably couldn't of stopped the ******** but the door would be there in one piece.

Well obviously it's OP's fault for getting a dog and for living in a place where there are fireworks.

You should play classical music when fireworks are going off, it's supposed to calm animals down. Works with our cat! We put his bed in a room with classical music playing and he'll sleep straight through the fireworks instead of being sick with stress. I know it sounds crazy..

KiddoKS 19

I always shut all the windows and turn on the ac and the tv to make it as loud as possible. They'll still be nervous, but it helps a little. You can also try to keep them distracted with games or toys they like. Good luck op... At least it's just once a year and I'm sure you'll figure out what works for your pet eventually.

I don't have a dog myself, but I know from friends that fireworks are a common thing dogs are afraid of. Luckily, its not often fireworks go off. Is your dog afraid of thunderstorms too?

forlifebro 15

My dog used to freak out and try to attack the fireworks so we would have to put him inside with the tv on loud some dogs react differently

Zack6849 8

one might even say your dog was scared shitless.

My dog did that once. She got locked in my bedroom by accident during fireworks and dug right through the drywall. FYL OP, i feel yuh!