By Anonymous - 20/04/2009 17:55 - United States
Top comments
Eh, not so bad.. Maybe he was just trying to break the tension by joking around? I understand the awkwardness of a doctor from the opposite sex feeling your downstairs though :P
haha I wonder if he enjoyed it?
Well, this was posted on 420...the doctor culdve ben high.
oops xd
cmon you can't t elk me that's the first time uve gotten finger jammed XD..
Why are so many gynocologists male and not female?
oooh shit!
Why do you think?
Yes, because the goal of every male is to spend the rest of his life looking and feeling up vaginas that have weird rashes, fungi, boils, yeast infections, wrinkles (80 year old women go there too) and sometimes are just plain disgusting.
Dont be rude
I think you know why
wow! hahaha
Wooooow, ****** creepy! Ew, never go back to him.

Eh, not so bad.. Maybe he was just trying to break the tension by joking around? I understand the awkwardness of a doctor from the opposite sex feeling your downstairs though :P
Why are so many gynocologists male and not female?