By Lauren - 08/09/2010 23:13 - Australia
Same thing different taste
By Chubs - 29/03/2009 12:32 - Norway
By andy - 01/01/2010 14:12 - United States
By Lax - 12/01/2009 09:37 - France
By lyss - 16/11/2018 10:30 - United States - New Prague
He is worried
By Anonymous - 08/02/2020 01:00
By yerface - 13/02/2009 03:52 - United States
By JCC - 18/05/2011 10:57 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/08/2012 15:48 - United Kingdom - Northampton
By parentof5 - 23/04/2011 15:20 - United States
Nice of her
By Bill - 06/12/2009 20:28 - United States
Top comments
Well that was tactless. Maybe if you lost weight then people wouldn't think that...
Jus stop eating fried mayonnaise balls.
So what's the answer?
kids say the darnest things!
22 total win with the name and picture.. I think I love you.. anyway OP, lose some weight then you'll be skinny with tiny boobs!...waaait..
Op has moobs
58, they aren't 'moobs' if the OP isn't male. Lauren is a girl's name. OP is female... therefore rendering your comment incorrect.
No I mean she has manly boobs, women with no boobs have moobs as much as man do
Sucks :( start cutting some things like soda out of your diet and you will gradually lose weight. I've lost 5 lb in about a month and a half just by not drinking soda, and using less oil when I cook. And, there are some guys who LOVE small boobs. I'm only a B and I have a friend who thinks they are too big :)
82-Small chested women (or, as the ignorant put it, flat-chested), even if they are overweight, do not have moobs. The meaning of 'moobs' is 'man boobs'. Derp. Small boobs are not manly. 83-Lauren is a girl's name. Lorne is a boy's name. There is a different spelling, even though they sound similar.
hahahahahahaha it's funny cuz a little kid asked that
Please try again after the beep.
u should have told her Santa is not real! ....
Woh, hey my names Loren :D what a coincidence 0.o
163, Please speak English and I will consider your comment valid. You've just got your knickers in a twist because you're usually wrong.
tiny boobs and a FUPA...sorry OP that combo sucks
yea, that's what gyms were invented 4 :)
your pretty
eat more chicken. it makes your boobs grow
168 he is speaking english you just don't understand it since you never heard it before "hominem fallacy" is what he ment but none the less it's is proper English look it up. it a intellectual word or words.
That kid sounds like a real asshole!
163 - you look like more of a jackass for using fancy words on a site where no one gives a shit.
get lypo and implants. problem solved.
256 - yes, because men love boobs that are stiff and don't move.
254 maybe you should keep up instead of bitching about a worddoHerty not familiar with. Hence it is called a dictionary which happens to be useful at times when one doesn't know the word spelling, pronounciation, definition or use of the word.
A brief check up on wikipedia reveals that an "ad hominem fallacy" is something which I have no idea about, but it doesn't seem like 100 and the rest of her comments use them. Don't be afraid to point out the ad homiwhatevers, I'd gladly like to see 'em.
Plus, it seems to me like 168 is a troll, and it's always fun to troll a troll, eh?
163* It's only half way to becoming an eight, anyways.
258 - you'd be surprised. I saw a poll about fake vs real boobs and 25% of the voters chose fake over real... but I do agree with you (and the other 75%). Fake boobs are gross.
that's what you get for living in nsw. go the qld reds xD
I'm not saying who *says under breath: 254* but everyone needs to go watch "Red vs Blue PSA: Internet" lol.
why do otherwise pretty girls pierce their faces?
3 words boob job, DIET
well your a bit of an ass an that's gross
But, there are also guys out there who love fat women- and might not be too keen about tiny breasts.
Yes!!!! Daniel Tosh!!!!
I wouldve showed that kid the back of my hand. just kidding but if u work out and keep going at it and u REALLY want it. then u will get it. and in a few months u will be fine and everyone who ever made fun of u will feel like an ass after seein how u changed.
so you prefer your hand?
Easy: Genetics. Blame your parents. And your eating habits & lack of exercise.
Btw, it literally took me 3 minutes to create an account and copy and paste everything. And I broke my leg & have nothing else to do. YOU people, are the truly pathetic ones. Because once I'm better, I won't be going on here anymore, but you losers will still check this site EVERY SINGLE DAY.
140 - so you admit to it?
I don't think someone who creates a fake account and stalks people on a website has the right to call anyone pathetic. My comment better post this time or I'll be very mad.
grammar nazi
FFML314, looks like a hoe.
Hm, yes I can see how showing a little bit of cleavage would make me look like a "hoe." Try a better insult next time. Got gave me boobs and if I'm going out dancing or want to look nice for my girlfriend/boyfriend than you're damn right, I'm going to let a little show. I am not ashamed of what I have.
you have something on your teeth
that is a really good question!!!!for just a kid
i agree! blah whatever i have small boobs but hey, im okay with it
smart addition by subtraction :D
like yours?
hell yeah.
this is kinda confusing with you and your stalker... :/
but we only just met? plus in different countries...

Easy: Genetics. Blame your parents. And your eating habits & lack of exercise.