By Sick - 02/05/2009 04:56 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 28/05/2010 23:51 - United States
Was it worth it?
By Anonymous - 05/09/2023 00:02
By Mc'xplosive - 09/10/2019 04:00
By Anonymous - 18/12/2010 05:16 - United States
By blehh - 14/04/2009 20:40 - United States
Too much of a good thing
By tryingtoberomantic - 28/09/2019 14:00 - Australia
By anon - 26/07/2010 04:22 - United States
The squits
By Cliff - 11/10/2024 00:00 - Australia - Perth
By sushi hater - 13/03/2011 18:55 - United States
Healthy lifestyle tips
By middleagednurse - 04/10/2017 23:37
Top comments
i thought the cheapest burgers at mcdonalds was a $2 cheeseburger D:
Thats why Canada is unbeatable
canada is beatable
^ I agree it licks hairy nuts. and I am Canadian and I live here :( I HATE GAYNADA
Wow really everyone still replies to 1 so people can see there comment. Ok well I am actually commenting on number 1 and saying that it probably was McDonald's because they are disgusting and do not clean there building and if you eat there you deserve to get food poisoning. Also this is fake because the place that gave you the food poisoning would pay for your medical bill if it was there fault.
Canada is the best country We have no enemies, more than half our population is not obese let alone fat and do you know why America is below Canada because they are our Ball-sack.
well sue the bitches!
well Canada is really awesome but America is really awesome too because of all thevarietys of places.and we shoud n't hate eachother beavuse we are almost the most alike countries out of them all and just because some Americans made bad choices it doesn't speak for them all.and don't stereotype Canada pls we are normal ppl
I love free healthcare ( Canada ).
Look up "I'm gonna sue ya!" By weird al that is ur song.
Uh in this situation you can sue.
Of course it was. They put whatever's in their sink drains in their food. He should have eaten somewhere else.
1st!!! Dang thos mcdonalds! FYL
It would cost you less to buy groceries and cook decent food than to eat that crap. YDI for thinking "saving money" is justification for eating a cheeseburger. Which is not to say "don't eat cheeseburgers". I love cheeseburgers, but I'm old enough to admit that I eat them because I want to, not because I'm pov.
Screw you. Why can't people eat cheeseburgers and save money at the same time if they want to?
Let's break this down. Meat is expensive. Hamburger buns are expensive. Lots of people actually can't afford these things. Sometimes, when you're poor, it's the only affordable way to get a little protein. Until the only thing you can afford is a 17 cent pack of ramen, you probably wouldn't understand.
Three words free in norway
4 words: Canada gets free health care
#416 and in canada!!!
Move to the UK and get free healthcare and also university
Err, #440, that's not 4 words.
sue the restaurant :)
hootay for civi court!!
do you mean 2400? i cant think of any hospital tests that could add up to that much money but either way. that really sucks. im sorry
I suppose you said to yourself, "I won't get sick, I'll just save the money on health insurance too..." Good job.

Ouch, that must really suck. D= Was it from McDonalds by chance?
sue the restaurant :)