By I'maboutobarf - 31/01/2013 10:28 - Australia

Today, my mum got a new blender. Dinner was roast beef, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, potatoes and water. In a cup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 258
You deserved it 2 784

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey athletes take everything in liquid form and now, so do you:)

She is so considerate, doing the mechanical digestion part for you, so you don't have to! She is saving you time and energy!


Hey athletes take everything in liquid form and now, so do you:)

perdix 29

What they do in their private sex lives is none of our business.

brink0war 3

No they don't. Where did you get that from?

Haha, I thought this said 'Atheists' rather than 'athletes' :) I got a bit confused

I'm going to guess its a gorgeous crystal white in a red plastic cup.

I'm going with a thick, lumpy primer gray. With a hint of orange swirl.

Supportcommand is probably the closest. I have seen a blended happy meal and that was a pretty nasty grayish color.

Probably barf colors. Dark mushy brown with a tint of yellow with gray smeared across like a gloomy afternoon and blobs of orange chunks scattered throughout the cup like frighten rats.

Probably about the same color going in as it will be coming out...

At the very least it will be the same consistency.

She is so considerate, doing the mechanical digestion part for you, so you don't have to! She is saving you time and energy!

This is the future people, get used to it! First it will be liquid food, then food in pill form, and soon enough we'll just plug into the recharge station and go! Can't wait 'til people finally go wireless and fuelless, life will be so much easier.

Was the water frothy? I'm sure she used the blender on water too.

All the things OP mentioned were blended together in the cup... n the mere thought of that makes me wanna barf.... Sorry OP :$

stevenJB 25

Wouldn't mind the roast beef tho c: but seriously >.>

stevenJB 25

There's plenty of food in the world it's just going to the wrong places.

Wait, how is blending food wasting it? In fact, how can we know that as a liquid, it's not more easily comestible and therefore lends itself to less wastage?

#33 I was saying if she didn't eat it, it would be a waste. I was just being an asshole by saying she's wasting food people are starving . I wouldn't ate it either.

No one said she didn't eat it and even if she did eat it, how would that help the starving people? If she doesn't eat her food at least they have a chance of finding it.

perdix 29

What? No dessert? The dumb bitch should have thrown some chocolate cake in there! By-passing chewing makes dining faster and more efficient. Now, when she comes home with an enema kit, you may want to run and never go back!

Why her/his mom got to be a "dumb bitch"? That's someone mother give a little respect

If a person is a really dumb bitch, shoving a child out of their ****** doesn't magically cure them of it, or exempt them from such accusations.

perdix 29

#17, because we used to do "blender meal" in college as a joke because it was so disgusting and idiotic. Anyone who does it for real has to be a moron.

#29 I understand that. I was just saying that "bitch" was a little harsh.

I'll be washing Perdix' mouth out with soap for that language and then he can go to his room and think about what he's done. (After all those sleepless nights... Ingratitude.../mutter/)

perdix 29

#69, nah, my mom always gave us nice chewy food . . . including coffee.

Roast beef? Try blended beef, if you managed to eat, or I guess drink this then you deserve a medal!

Thank you for your wonderful insight. You have enlightened all of our lives.