
By SillyScotsman - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Hamilton

Today, I was eating an ice cream cone when I felt something drop onto my bottom lip. Assuming it was a piece of ice cream, I quickly pulled it into my mouth. After a sharp sting to my tongue, I spat it out. It was a bee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 641
You deserved it 7 707

Top comments

mkid232 15

You better bee screaming for ice cream now.


Damian95 16

Just thinking about a bee in the throat really stings.

Neyuu 18

I wish everybody would just buzz off with these lame bee puns.

one of those rare instances where you thank God you're not a swallower

Neyuu 18

#74 has shown his true stripes.

mkid232 15

You better bee screaming for ice cream now.

DyslexicPanda 12

I don't think you quite caught on 49..

@67 I got it, but I dont think anyone got my reference. Look deeply it relates.

johnnie254 7

I see what you did there :D

You really should bee more careful, OP.

morganrules123 10

I don't think most people pay close attention to what is on their mouths while eating. Especially when they're eating something that melts.

8- I think you didn't notice the pun in that comment

I also dont think bees melt so it'd bee pretty obvious...

willson10123 3

I hate bee stings, soo much...

SmexiiBacon 8

How can you not tell the difference between ice cream and a bee?l

Because it's rather hard to look at your bottom lip.

suboy 10

But ice cream wouldve been cold though.

Depending on how they're eating the ice cream, their bottom lip could be numb from the cold at this point, so they couldn't really be able to differentiate between the bee and the ice cream. I dunno about anyone else, but whenever I eat an ice cream cone or a popsicle or something, my lips go sort of numb!

Funny how a insect can be as cold as ice cream in summer. But we believe you.

imtooshy 18

Last time I had an ice cream I'm pretty sure it wasn't buzzing inside my mouth. Not that difficult to figure out something was alive and moving in there.

Yeah, I agree with answer #1. And besides I made the same mistake…well sort of. Something landed on my ice cream and I didn't know what it was so a 5 year old me reached out to touch it. Stuff like that happens

RVAriverRAT88 9

At least you still have your icecream to sooth the sting :)

well on the bright side you have a new tongue piercing

At least you aren't allergic to bees..or are you allergic to them?

At least I didn't down vote your comment... Or did I?