By Anonymous - 23/08/2013 21:58 - Mexico

Today, I have to get an ultrasound at the hospital. In order to get a clear picture, I need to have a full bladder. I've been waiting my turn for 2 hours now, desperately needing to pee. There are still multiple patients ahead of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 789
You deserved it 3 094

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would say to try and pee just a little bit, but peeing can feel so good sometimes that I know you wouldn't be able to stop.

Omg! I did this same test twice. It is pure torture! One time I ended up pulling over halfway to the test and running to some bushes to pee because I couldn't hold it any longer.


I would say to try and pee just a little bit, but peeing can feel so good sometimes that I know you wouldn't be able to stop.

Jake_Hale 7

19 - Yeah they will. I've been through this before. It's the first thing they check.

TheDrifter 23

Pee, then load up on water while she waits for the others? How long does it take a bladder to refill?

They make you pee right before the ultrasound, it keeps the baby high up, pee if you want but good look getting a clear picture of your baby.

hcollins1 18

If I were OP I would've just gone ahead and peed. If I were there for two hours I'd be drinking a bottle of water so that way when it's my turn, I'd be ready instead of torturing myself.

60- my first thought was that it was a bladder US because nowhere does the FML mention it being for a baby. Plus, i dont think they require a full bladder for the baby US.

Dang it, i hate how you cant edit on the windows phone app. Anyway, just wanted to add that ive never been pregnant so i dont know the requirements for a baby US. just wanted to add that

They do. B/c its easier to empty than to fill.

I recently had to get an ultrasound too, and since I'm not pregnant, I had to have a full bladder too. You absolutely cannot go pee in the 2 hours before your appointment because your bladder won't be full enough. Unless your doctor tells you to drink the same amount as someone 30-50 lbs heavier than you, which mine did. My bladder was too full and I had to just pee "just a little" so she could see my uterus. :/

monnanon 13

when i had my ultrasounds you needed a full bladder for the 9 week baby scan and an empty for the 20 week one. i cant remember what for the pre surgical one but i do remember having to be 'ahem' flushed out since it was abdominal surgery.

I had to do the same thing and the ultrasound person said my bladder was too full and I had to let some out but I just couldn't stop, was not the most fun experience.

60 she didn't say it was because she was pregnant. I had to get an ultra sound on my uterus and all that when I went on the pill, it could be for anything.

They require a full bladder in the first half of pregnancy, sometimes longer.

addioty 19

Don't get pissy with them! (excuse my horrid attempt at a pun)

\ 28

Tyco Brahe, a famous astronomer, died this way.

SailorSolaris 43

Not long. Water goes right through you and with multiple people still waiting, got plenty of time.

#81 when I had my 20 week ultrasound 6 years ago, my bladder needed to be full. Early pregnancy would have been way easier haha

untouchable763 10

That's when you say maybe another time.

That seems so strange, yet interesting, in the movies the woman is all calm-like and just walks out of the room like nothing is wrong....

That when you say "yup, it can wait another day I'm outta here"

Omg! I did this same test twice. It is pure torture! One time I ended up pulling over halfway to the test and running to some bushes to pee because I couldn't hold it any longer.

kdm_km1 19

I call bullshit on your bullshit

I feel your pain OP. If you're pregnant, congrats! Try not to pee on the bed as they press the device on your abdomen and roll it over your full bladder! Ouch.

If she has to have a full bladder, she probably not pregnant. If so, they thankfully don't put it on your bladder, just below your belly button.

monnanon 13

your bladder needs to be full for the 9 week scan (first scan in uk) well as far as i remember anyway. might be the other way around and its full for 20 week.

#78, at my 12 week ultrasound I had to have a full bladder and yes they do put pressure on it!

monnanon 13

yes i know i had the same scan. i just couldnt think which was which.

@78 as u see from the others it could be that she is pregnant; however as a guy i had to have this test done with a full bladder when they were checking for kidney stones/other bladder problems when i was younger.

ariiewilliams 17

For the love of all that is good, please stop with this overused beaten-to-death pun.

Your pun is bad and you should feel bad. Nice try, 3/10

ariiewilliams 17

I can't believe i said that. My god i need to think before posting *facepalm*

Jake_Hale 7

LOL!! OMG!I was gonna post this until I saw yours. You beat me to it. It is a "pissy" situation. HA!

hcollins1 18

33, you'll get there eventually.

Correct me if I'm wrong but, is your profile picture Acacia Brinley? (sorry it's random)

Bloodjoker 11

You must be so "pissed', looks like 'urine" for quite a long wait :-P

It would have been so much better without the quotation marks

The same happened to me, I asked if I could go 'pee...just a little!' And I was told I could hold on, or pee and get an internal ultrasound o_O

Soniye 14

An internal ultrasound isn't that bad .. And it's better than running the risk of having your bladder too full to pee:/ I'd rather go then hold it

monnanon 13

internal ultrasounds are hellish. mind you i did have stitches in thst area at the time. personally i would rather deal with the full bladder. alao men get ultrasounds for stuff too. canit imagine they xan get an internal ultrasound, not without extreme discomfort anyway.

Yeah, I couldn't hold on anymore, took the internal, wasn't so bad. I'd choose it next time over busting soooo bad!!