By cooney7 - 03/11/2013 05:59 - United Kingdom

Today, I was at a family meeting about opening up a business. During it, I had an allergic reaction and my throat began to close. Nobody tried to help. In fact, pictures were taken. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 736
You deserved it 3 082

cooney7 tells us more.

My allergy is known to both me and the family and my epipen was on hand as it always is. I never knew that the food contained ingredients I am allergic and as I said, my throat started to close and I was struggling to breathe. The reason wasn't because they're laughing at me or anything like that, 'my face was a great shade of red for the company logo'. They did help me eventually by injecting me. Weird story, I know, but my family have a track record of being idiots.

Top comments

MikaykayUnicorn 36

If my face was turning red, and since your throat was closing I'm assuming you couldn't talk, my parents or someone would try to help me. No matter how stupid your relatives are, this is horrible.

Since you were able to post this I assume someone saved you, or it wasn't as bad as it seemed at the time. So at least you're alive. . On an unrelated note, we're the pictures any good?


Since you were able to post this I assume someone saved you, or it wasn't as bad as it seemed at the time. So at least you're alive. . On an unrelated note, we're the pictures any good?

were* So OP has an allergy, but because he wouldn't die of it nobody had to help him? That's harsh.

God damn it. auto correct changed my were to we're. I should stop being lazy by letting my phone add my apostrophes for me. It's bad for my reputation as a grammar nazi Anyway, what I meant was, since OP didn't die someone must have helped him, or he helped himself.

#1- OP's sibling posted this. OP is currently in the hospital. (sarcasm)

#7, I get that, but still it would've been nice if someone would've helped OP, wouldn't it? It seems to me that OP would've liked some support, whether he was in real danger or not. On a perfectly unrelated note, I guess I have a new favourite word.

#25 I hate when people use stupid puns like that on FML's that are relating to urine. But urine has nothing to do with this FML. Which makes your pun even worse.

#6/#19- at first, I thought that the rubber ducky was being chased by a battleship. I was a little disappointed when I looked at it, to say the least...

Wow what jerks, hopefully their business wasn't anything to do with caring for the public! I hope they eventually reacted or you had an Epi-pen with you! FYL OP

raytyler26 16

Time to look into a new business..

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

you mean new business partners?

euphoricness 28

I really hope the business isn't a hospital.

I guess you are not going to be a valued member of the business.

they're trying to maximise income by cutting out start up members

chrisp87 11

I'm very sorry to hear that sometimes families can be cruel.

saraitkddh 47

it's really sad how sometimes family can be cruel, sorry OP

Don't worry OP, once your business is successful and something like this happens again, they will help...either to save you or finish you off.

DenBriZel 31

Some family you have OP. I'm sorry!

Damn well hey it couldn't have been too bad if you survived to tell the tale!