Travelling light

By maddengirl12 - 20/02/2014 08:57 - United States

Today, my mom and I flew three hours from Wyoming to a volleyball camp in Kentucky. When we arrived, we went to the volleyball center and told them I was there for the volleyball camp. They told me it had been cancelled two weeks ago and they forgot to call us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 530
You deserved it 3 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's sucks and they really dropped the ball. Sorry your camp got cancelled OP and you wasted money flying down too. Some people are just careless and inconsiderate

Wizardo 33

Should phone up the appropriate people and demand reimbursement for the flight fees and improve their common courtesy, in the meantime enjoy Wyoming


Not to mention they clearly didn't refund OP's parents, or I'm sure they would have figured out something was wrong.

I'm from Kentucky and this is the kind of shit you get here! My good ole Kentucky home! -__-

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If you received a confirmation when you booked the trip, why would you call before you go? It's the camp's responsibility to alert the participants of a change.

That's sucks and they really dropped the ball. Sorry your camp got cancelled OP and you wasted money flying down too. Some people are just careless and inconsiderate

#46 we all see it..unless blind and/or illiterate people have suddenly found a use for this site.

You know blind people can use the Internet, right? They can use a screen reader.

Sucks, they should have called! But, while you are there, check out visitors attractions. Hey, if you're there anyway, make a mini vacay with mom. Explore and see stuff!

That's for sure. I would know, I'm from Wyoming. The only thing worth seeing there is Jackson Hole, but only for the skiing! Wyoming is so sparsely populated that I probably know OP, too.

Wizardo 33

Should phone up the appropriate people and demand reimbursement for the flight fees and improve their common courtesy, in the meantime enjoy Wyoming

They are from Wyoming. The volleyball camp was in Kentucky.

I agree with #5; they should reimburse you and your mom OP. How long 'til you can get a new flight back? Enjoy yourselves while you're out there.

buttcramp 21

totally agree! they should get free camp next season too!

jaellin 18

I see this being a judge Judy episode...

shivamtrivedi 24

You should hit everyone there on the face with their own volleyballs. They deserve at least that much for being so courteous.

Nice thought, except the camp was CANCELLED. There would not be anyone there to throw balls at.

How about they throw the balls at the people that run the centre when they told them IN THE CENTRE it was canceled? So there must have been someone there to tell them.

HJKM_fml 19

Unless someone simply posted a sign on the locked centre door. I wouldn't put it past a place like that.

Ihavegas 22

Yes, because a few hundred bucks is totally worth paying a lawyer 10 grand. I seriously hope you're joking. One of the first lessons is suing people with the money. If this camp can't stay open, how much money do you think they have?

No, they shouldn't sue, but who said the camp canceled because of money issues?

jaellin 18

I personally wouldn't sue in this case, but $10k is a bit extreme. And we really have no idea how much was spent on tickets, hotel, etc., not to mention the cost of the camp itself. Those types of things can be insanely expensive. Plus the camp being canceled and poorly run doesn't necessarily mean it's broke.

Tucking_Fypo 9

Lol its funny how people voted 'you deserved it' on this one.

I don't think they deserved it, but seriously, who goes to Kentucky to play volleyball? And, if you were so inclined, would you seriously fly halfway across the country?? And, if you were still inclined to fly halfway across the country to play VOLLEYBALL, seriously, wouldn't you at absolute minimum make sure it was a world class operation/league/spirts center? Now that I think about it, maybe they do deserve it!

33-- someone that PLAYS volleyball probably would go to Kentucky to play volleyball. Maybe she travels there because she plans on playing volleyball in college or she wants to be a pro. Maybe this place is a great facility, they just accidentally dropped the ball in this one instance. Just because you think volleyball isn't important enough to fly to Kentucky, doesn't mean OP has the same view,

buttcramp 21

yeah maybe OP picked the best volleyball coach in the country or something.. but then you think they'd have a facility organized enough to call.. lol I'm on the fence about it.

Tucking_Fypo 9

Wow so many negative votes. Haters, haters everywhere. :D

Again, I ask you: Kentucky!?! Since when is anyone in Kentucky known for their outstanding volleyball? Now if you're looking for some good bourbon, ir maybe a fine race horse, it might be the place to go. But not volleyball. Sorry if I offended anyone!

Think positive! Turn it around by spending some quality time with your mom instead! =)