By anon - 31/03/2014 22:10 - United States - Chappaqua

Today, my dad got me one of those word locks for my gym locker, for which the password had to be a four-letter word instead of numbers. My dad chose the combo for me. It was "diet". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 214
You deserved it 5 786

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have one of those. Mine is "****", though.

Nice observation there, Captain Obvious.


Maybe he's sending you a message. Just sayin.

Nice observation there, Captain Obvious.

Please notice the "just saying" there bro.

babygurll19 10

Now I feel like a dick and I'm gonna get a chorus of "yeah you are"

DaMann360 19

I made a VERY insulting comment two weeks ago and I still feel bad. I wish I could apologize to that person but I couldn't at the time because I got banned before I could and now it's too late for them to see it. You think you're a dick? At least you have a chance to make something right and apologize if thats the kind of person you are.

DaMann360 - It used to be that everyone here called everyone else idiots, twits, morons, and imbeciles. No one was insulted because everyone was, and everyone got over it just in time to insult the next guy. If anyone can truly be offended here, he doesn't deserve the internets.

#25 - Uhmmm... don't you have the chance to "make something right and apologize" too? You can send this person a PM, you know.

aw Op Im sorry. Thats rough. maybe Dad meant it in good fun?

Maybe it was his was of joking around with his daughter, either way hit the gym hard and show him you kick ass! :)

phillybob 4

Yeah, but that's not the point. Her dad pretty much told her she needs to lose weight.

then maybe op should lose some weight. at least it was the father instead of people at school or her friends, that might've made her feel worse. i was overweight before and my parents didn't say a thing but people at school did. now I wish my parents had been honest with me

I agree. That's not really mean of her dad. Now after every gym session, instead of going for unhealthy food which you ultimately will crave after working out, she will be reminded to eat healthy. What's so bad about that? Sometimes people just need encouragement.

phillybob 4

#27 yeah I thought of that after I posted the comment

I'd honestly rather have my parents be brutally honest with me when it comes to my weight, if you're parents won't tell you when you're over the edge, who will? Even though it was harsh, there's a possibility he just cares and is trying to help you. Good luck!

My siblings and I do that with our parents. My father has poor health because he is so overweight and my mum doesn't have anything too bad.. yet.

Thats true, its better to be honest then to beat around the bush. Whats so hard with telling the truth?

That's incredibly rude of him. Parents are supposed to make you feel better about yourself, not take at down your self-esteem.

NWO666 15

So if you are fat, you rather have your parents say you are 'skinny?'

and i suppose @7 you think the losers should still get trophies too?

18 is right, you don't have to be a complete cockslut about telling your kids they're overweight. My parents call me obese every single damn day even though I'm far from it ( I am overweight but only by about 10-20 pounds, not 200 ), and it has a worse impact on my emotional health than any other excruciating experience with being bullied in my lifetime. I'm trying to be healthier, just like OP is, but there's no need to utterly raze our self-confidence.

Whenever people say losers deserve trophies, I picture a kid getting a trophy that says, "Congratulations, you're a FAILURE! "

Once again the double standard strikes, a parent trying to help their kid lose weight is being called a douche. "You can't hurt your kids feelings!" But then people say "parents are why kids are so bad nowadays!" Make up your minds, parents have to hurt some feelings and bruise some egos. Or else you end up with spoiled rotten idiots everywhere.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

If this is the only thing OP's dad has done to bring up her weight I don't think it's too bad. I know how she feels though, because I'm a perfectly normal weight and I'm also very active, and my parents CONSTANTLY say I'm fat and tell me to "eat better" (which I do). If it were just that they were concerned it wouldn't be as bad, but they constantly screw with me and say they're "kidding." They've been physically and verbally abusive my whole life, though, so I'm used to it, sadly.

I'm not saying it shouldn't have been brought up, but there are much more tactful ways of doing so. It's one thing to let your child know you are concerned for their health, but it is an entirely different thing when they do it in a way like this. If your parenting involves bullying your child because of weight instead of helping them lose the weight in a healthy way, you aren't being a good parent. Instead of being passive aggressive, try taking them to a dietitian or the gym; be supportive for them.

Ahh, another member of 'generation coddle'. *rolls eyes dramatically*

But this way its kind of like a light hearted suggestion. And besides when did fat or skinny become an insult? I think unhealthy is worse.

Don't let petty things like that bring you down OP! Keep working towards your goal :)

If you're going to the gym, a good diet is extremely helpful.

Hey, at least you're trying to do something about it.

Ouch, I'm sorry OP, just change the code if you can and keep your head held high because you're actually improving yourself by going to the gym or participating in a gym class, he's obviously not

Buy him one and give him the combo, "utoo"