By AnonymousAndSad - 24/04/2014 23:42 - United States - Waukon

Today, after an entire year spent in physical therapy recovering from three knee surgeries, I finally returned to doing light agility exercises and running on a treadmill. When I told my therapist I had never been so happy and proud, he responded with, "This usually only takes 5 months, pussy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 783
You deserved it 7 863

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Asshole much? Maybe time to switch therapists.... Also, grats on recovery!!

Time to take that next step, OP. Put those legs to use and get that foot up his ass.


Asshole much? Maybe time to switch therapists.... Also, grats on recovery!!

Report your doctor, OP! He shouldn't be allowed to say things like that.

If I was with you, you wouldn't need physical therapy son.

Am I the only one who thinks the therapist might have been joking and since OP needs a therapist he might not be in an appropriate mindset to tell that. I don't see a therapist just being an asshole to be an asshole. I think this honestly could be either parties fault here. I know quite a few people who can't take a joke.

physical therapists are therapists for the body. and sometimes they can be mean for motivational purposes.

#63 I think you're confused. When they say "therapist" I'm pretty sure they meant "physiotherapist," not a psychological one. The therapist in this case has very little to do with mindset.

I'm a physical therapist assistant, and it is made very clear to us that comments like that are NEVER okay, regardless of a client's performance or attitude. He could very easily lose his job over that if you choose to consult with his supervising PT.

You're still probably more active than him now.

Yeah you're definitely more active than me. And it's better taking your time and making sure you don't hurt yourself more in the long run.

What exactly are you basing this statement off of? How could you possibly come to that conclusion? It makes 0 sense.

Sorry your doctor is a dick, OP. Hope you recover soon.

It was his therapist - not his doctor that responded to him.

I don't get why clarifying this commenter's mis statement is down voted. That makes no sense to me. The therapist may well not even be a medical doctor.

Time to take that next step, OP. Put those legs to use and get that foot up his ass.

Seems like the doc's already got one on the other end.

meggieeeee92 27

Aren't physical therapist supposed to be motivational and happy with your progress? That guy is an asshole. I suggest finding a new one and reporting him to his boss. And also congrats on your progress! Knee surgeries are pretty sucky to recover from!

While that is true, the FML says it's her normal therapist, not her PT that said that. Regardless, same rules still apply, the guys a douche.

Hiimhaileypotter 52

#30- I actually was thinking that it is OP's physical therapist that said it, because they said "This usually only takes 5 months" and I assumed they were talking about OP's recovery, and i think the PT would know about that more than a regular therapist. But that's just how I took it, I could be wrong.

32, I'd agree with you, but the PT has been there the entire time, I can't imagine he/she would have done nothing mean over a year, and then say such a rude underhanded comment at the end of it. Or I could be wrong. Happens, like, all the time. We can wait for a follow-up.

maybe he did mean stuff the whole time but this is the only one posted about.

billie_joann 10

OP doesn't talk about having a regular therapist; it's pretty obvious that they're talking about the physical therapist.

Actually, no, physical therapists aren't motivational speakers, they aren't supposed to make you happy. they're there to get you moving. if OP's therapy took twice as long as normal, it means that they didn't put the work in to get there. that therapist was probably frustrated and tired of watching this guy not doing what he was supposed to do.

Whether OP has or hasn't been working hard enough for his recovery, there is absolutely no excuse for his therapist's behavior: S/he may not be a motivational speaker, but calling your own patient a "pussy" is downright unprofessional and unnecessary.

#78 "if OP's therapy took twice as long as normal, it means that they didn't put the work in to get there" What? That is hugely inaccurate. It may be true for some people, but there are many factors as to why someone may take longer to heal - some people are slow healers, for example. There are all sorts of reasons, medial and other, as to why someone may not have the same result as someone else.

And you still pay this ass hole? screw that guy and good job on the recovery!

That is really rude. Therapists should be the people who encourage you every step of the way, no matter how lang that will take. Don't let it bother you though, people who react like that probably don't have the happiest lives anyway. Just stay positive!

sohigh10 34

Autocorrect still on Dutch? lang:p

What the hell? Id probably walk out and find another therapist. I think i speak for most of us on FML when i say im proud of you though! :)

And the best part is now he can walk out unaided! Well done op, keep up the good work.

Ask him if he wants to see how much time it will take him to recover... if he didn't know, then propose to mess up his knees as an experiment... you know just out of pure curiosity and good intentions to benefit the medical field and probably the world.

That's pretty unprofessional; I had knee surgery last year and I still get nervous when I do any exercise so good for you op.