By michelle91 - 02/12/2009 11:36 - Malaysia
Same thing different taste
Drunken NYE antics
By jeffprobs - 01/01/2022 07:59 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/07/2012 06:41 - United States - Centralia
By anonymouss - 24/05/2009 22:14 - United States
By man - 08/05/2009 21:46 - United States
By Arielle - 31/01/2012 11:07 - Australia
Ice cold break-up
By Ice cold - 22/11/2012 05:35 - Australia - Cheltenham
Time to run
By Anonymous - 24/06/2024 17:00 - United States
Acting out
By itsgotime - 20/03/2009 06:11 - United States
By annoyedguy - 30/06/2009 11:20 - United States
Danger zone
By Agony! Agony! Agony! - 03/07/2024 23:00 - United States
Top comments
You: Oh darn, it seems I have 15 missed calls from my girlfriend. *try calling girlfriend who won't answer* *she finally picks up after the 10th try.* Girlfriend: *without giving you a chance to say "sup"* "OH MY GOD WHY DIDN'T YOU PICK UP?!" You: I'm in the Hospital. Girlfriend: WHY?! You: I needed stitches. Girlfriend: OH SURE, BUT YOU CONVENIENTLY FORGET MY BIRTHDAY! YOU'RE SUCH A SELFISH PRICK! ALL YOU EVER DO IS MAKE IT ABOUT YOU! You:...lolwut?
Dump her. If shes not worried about your potential head trauma, she couldn't care less about you.
It's spelled Michael(it's my name :O) And Michelle could be his girlfriend. That's what I assumed when I first read his name.
Also, look at where he lives.
Dude, you're a ****. So is the OP's girlfriend. (omg puns on the Internet WHAT DO WE DO)
oO that truly sucks. fyl
Yes, we can see that #2
hey! today is MY birthday! why does your girlfriend always have to make it about her?!?
happy birthdayy!! :D
nope, it really was my birthday yesterday. i read the FMLs EVERY day!
OP, FYL. Your girlfriend sounds like a real bitch. On the lighter side of live in a place that reminds me of Tingle from The Legend of Zelda, Wind Waker...Nerdtacular. lol.
FYL indeed. But I don't think you should dump her for that just yet; us girls tend to be very sensitive when it comes to these things. Not that it makes it any better for you, I know.
don't speak for all of us!!
Girls don't get emotional about these things, dipshits do. People forget all kinds of things about me that would make that girl blow a gasket.
Exactly, please don't say "us girls" as if I'm included in that statement. I appreciate if my friends or family do something for me, but I certainly don't expect it. Birthdays don't hold much special appeal for me anymore, I'd prefer to have a party with friends that wasn't supposed to be centered on me. This year my boyfriend took me out to a nice sushi dinner with some hot sake, and I promptly rewarded both him and myself afterward with some hot sex. And all was right with the world.
I wouldnt give a damn about my b-day if I thought my boyfriend had head trauma! She's really selfish.
Ahahahahaah are you serious? Honey, I'm a woman and I've never thought less of another woman for her "omg pay attention to meeeee"-isms than I do of the OP's chick, and now you, also. Idiot. "Us girls"? Don't attempt to speak for the female gender if those are your views. Unless you're trolling the Internet. In which case, well played, sir.
OP, do yourself a favor and dump her. She obviously lacks basic compassion and understanding of real life priorities. You can do better than her.
How do you know he could do better than her? Though I think it's safe to say the the OP's GF is a bitch, we don't know anything about the OP. He could be a child molester, a murderer, or just not a good person, in which case, maybe he can't do better than what he already has...
Because being single is better than dating self-centered people like that. So yes, he can do better.
My point is that you don't know what kind of person the OP is, therefore you don't know if they could do better.
Hotpink, Reyo already said it. Being single is much better than dating a self-centered drama queen. So, yes he can do better.
#4 - Happy birthday, infuzi0n :D

lol, that sux. dump her :)
hey! today is MY birthday! why does your girlfriend always have to make it about her?!?