By jwshrieky - 05/01/2012 16:00 - Canada

By jwshrieky - 05/01/2012 16:00 - Canada
It was an 'Oh Jesus.. Ive had you between my legs and now you're the decider on whether or not I actually get to make money off of my brand new nursing degree' moment. :-D
Did you get the job?
YDI, ****.
Karma. It's a bitch
Lol 28 could you learn to love me? Reread the FML, it's a girl.
It's a shame 28 posted a shitty comment to go with such an amazing picture and bio.
My thoughts exactly, number 60.
Maybe he didn't get the call because he did get the job! Just saying' sometimes you do things you later decide weren't worth the trouble! Mighta been worth it for the OP, though...
Your the perfect woman!
Doesn't matter, had sex.
Yeah.. 28 was making a joke no need to get your panties in a bunch
If she was qualified, I hope she does. Getting a job should be based on merit, not personal relationships.
Do you call everyone back after a hookup? Some people should stay in the past, maybe that guy was one of those people?
(Continued on from #2)... and see if he would like to do a replay of that night. *bashfully blinks eyes*
I think #2 meant after the interview and I'm PRETTY SURE it's supposed to be a joke. Just sayin(;
No one really gives a **** 61, Just sayin(;
Or maybe you just shouldn't have one night stands? Sex has risks, so you shouldn't just hop into bed with anyone who's attractive.
I agree with 144. If you agree to have sex with a person, you agree to any number of risks ranging from STDs or babies to awkward meetups and conflicting emotions. I waited for marriage, but while I know that's not for everyone, I think there should be a certain amount of trust and open communication between the participants before they engage in such behavior.
.. Was the sex any good?
64, What you do or don't do in your private time is none of our business.
99, 1. To that I agree. 2. No, I didn't, I was being facetious.
103 - You have a very appropriate name to go with the thumbs on your comments :)
Now this is a FML.
Ouch! What a situation!
Ya she is ******
Now watch him not call you back. ZING!
34- Was that the phone ringing...?
Nah. It wasn't. she didn't call him, remember?
Or maybe it's a woman and SHE didn't call HIM back *shock horror*
I think the point was that he didn't call her after the sexing either so maybe he didn't care in the slightest that OP didn't call..?!
Maybe she used the ol' "don't call me, I'll call you."
Probably right on the money on that post
Is like to know some
Now watch him not call you back. ZING!
Did you get the job?