By Anonymous - 18/07/2013 19:01 - Netherlands - Herkenbosch

Today, I tried coming on to my fiancé. He just pushed me off and got out of bed, saying he wasn't in the mood. A half hour later, I caught him jerking off to several windows of porn. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 483
You deserved it 6 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissWhitneyB 17

Next time when he wants some, push him off and point to his computer and tell him to enjoy.

flashback.miss 28

Well, next time he wants a *******, tell him you're not in the mood and enjoy a nice banana.


alliewillie 22

Ouch. If this is a regular occurrence, you need to sit down and have a serious discussion.

CelticSkye 13

I agree with #1...I also wonder why you want to marry such a douche.

#35, what is wrong with having a fiancé?

SwaggCapone 11

sometimes its just easier to do it ourselves

Music_freek 19

Time to spice things up more?

I always thought men wanted sex more than women (Me being a man). This man is probably just mad at you for something. No way would a man just refuse sex and ********** instead.

MerrikBarbarian 9

60- not always. I'm a woman and I have a much higher sex drive that my male partner... However I agree that either he is angry or maybe something physical is going on.

summerguy97 16

-60- Perhaps he wasn't in the mood for his fiancée but wanted a steamy mixture of Blacks and Asians.

ronjon322 3

Or maybe he's just a closet fag...

CelticSkye 13

Men and women also tend to hit their sexual peaks at different ages. Men hit their sexual peak in their late teens to the mid-twenties and women tend to hit theirs in their thirties. For women, its a byproduct of their biological clock.

Confruzzled 10

First Comment!!! I guess he wanted fantasy women.

alphatoomega 21
MissWhitneyB 17

Next time when he wants some, push him off and point to his computer and tell him to enjoy.

Meh im assuming he would just jerk it and think nothing of it.

Wowxoxo 17

Being vicious back gets you nowhere, it just results in nobody having sex. Talk about it first.

collegedream121 8

I'm sure he would enjoy too much.

flashback.miss 28

Well, next time he wants a *******, tell him you're not in the mood and enjoy a nice banana.

I can't help but look at your picture even though it makes me feel weird.

TheDrifter 23

Ponder what's going on in the windows. When you decide which kind of freaky is for you, walk up, turn his chair around and go for it.

CelticSkye 13

In theory that this could work, I really like the idea. My worry regarding this idea is that she does this and then he pushes her away for a second time.

we are always in the mood. okay maybe its just me.

U should ********** while he walks in and show him what he is missing lol

You definitely need to talk to him about this situation and tell him how you how feel. Hopefully things will change and not end in divorce.

They're not married yet, which may be a good thing.

I'm thinking it a very good thing. Some people can be foolish though and think after marrying someone things will change.