By hairyarms - 10/10/2010 12:47 - Australia

Today, I found out why you don't let your kids grab your arms while their hands are covered in glitter glue. Easy to get it on you, extremely painful to rip from your arm hairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 301
You deserved it 5 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

glitter is the herpes of art supplies. once they're there they never go away. prepare to sparkle and shine for the rest of your life. :)

RedPillSucks 31

At the risk of starting the "Chewbaka vs Naked Mole Rat" wars, shaving hairs (arms, legs, vag, whatever) has nothing to do with hygiene.


those kids... they sure now how to make a mess...

ya but it's her fault for supplying them with the materials

I definately agree... glitter anything is outlawed at my house!

If it was washable, I would assume that would have been her first choice.

My sister uses glitter glue, though, and that stuff seems to come off relatively easily (assuming she washes it off properly -- soap AND water). I figured they'd be relatively similar. Also, not everyone would try washing it right away. I've seen people do as OP did, smear it around with a paper towel or a napkin, wipe it on their clothes...

LovelyTokyo 0

fyl for pulling it when yu could have just cut it out.

If it's gluing the arm hair down, I highly doubt they'd be able to just 'cut it out'.


How about shave your arm hairs, I think that would be less painful.

overthelimit 3

agreed. arm hair doesnt usually grow back thicker anyway. at least mine doesnt.

NO hair grows back thicker from shaving.

When you shave, the tapered end of the hair gets cut off. Therefore, the thicker root of the hair is the one that continues growing afterward, making the hair appear thicker and darker (because it has not been exposed to sunlight as much). I can't stand people that think everyone is blessed with the same genes. Not everybody has unnaturally thin, light body hair that is not negatively affected by shaving.

overthelimit 3

i wouldnt know any better, my 3 friends are all the same way. i guess im just a stupid f tard, go ahead pick on me.

iv never shaved my ams ur not supposed to i would hate scratchy arms all prickly :-/

glitter is the herpes of art supplies. once they're there they never go away. prepare to sparkle and shine for the rest of your life. :)

no. never shave your arm hair! unless it's too long and looks gross.

what's wrong with shaving arm hair? personally, I think any arm hair on a girl, light or dark or thick or thin, is really gross. shaving your arms is just like shaving your legs- all for hygiene

fogrunner 13

So men are able to wash their hairy parts, and women are not?

RedPillSucks 31

At the risk of starting the "Chewbaka vs Naked Mole Rat" wars, shaving hairs (arms, legs, vag, whatever) has nothing to do with hygiene.

it looks stupid. I hate this girls shaving their arm hair trend

Why do u have hairy arms it's not ur kids problem smart ass

Even with a little bit of hair it's still going to hurt...

Unless they have alopecia or remove it through shaving, waxing, etc., everyone has hair on their arms.

KianaCaca 10

Then why not just wash it off?

Have you ever tried to wash off glitter? That stuff is persistent. It'll turn up in the oddest places for weeks and you'll be stuck walking around looking like a veggie vampire.

Borrow an epilator from the brow-less wonder.