By Laila - 20/02/2013 12:01 - United States

Today, my son asked me if the short films I write are for little kids or for adults. Since I write horror-filled films, I said they were for adults. He went and told his teacher that I made "adult films". FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 560
You deserved it 5 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either clear up the misunderstanding or go with the flow and see where it takes you, but if it takes you to a bigger flow... Run.

perdix 29

You should be suspicious if you are invited to Career Day -- and it's at the teacher's house at night. Bow-chicka-bow-bow.


Either clear up the misunderstanding or go with the flow and see where it takes you, but if it takes you to a bigger flow... Run.

Run even faster if it takes you to aunt flow

There's nothing wrong with being involved in the making of adult films anyway, one of my best friend's mum had a job in **** a few years ago

perdix 29

#2, "Adult films" are a euphemism for ****. Now the teacher thinks the OP makes dirty movies. Do you see how that could be a problem?

Lionesse 15

I can imagine on career day the child saying "And my mommy makes adult films! She has the greatest job ever!"

zingline89 18

My mom used to work for the Wood Truss Council of America. On career day my teacher asked what she did, and I explained that she was a wood truss counselor. The confused look on my teacher's face was priceless.

perdix 29

#17, possibly. But I guess mommy might have some bad days where she says her job . . . *lowers sunglasses* sucks.

crazytwinsmom 25

I'm sure #2 knew what it meant, and why it was a problem, but was just being sarcastic.

perdix 29

#28, don't be so sure. The level of ignorance is running pretty high these days. I blame Global Warming, a completely natural phenomenon that has nothing to do with human activity.

My mom used to work in jails but when my brothers primary teacher asked him why my mom couldn't volunteer for something, he said it was because she was in jail

perdix 29

You should be suspicious if you are invited to Career Day -- and it's at the teacher's house at night. Bow-chicka-bow-bow.

wlddog 14

Op should also be concerned if they are asked to wear leather and bring handcuffs.

Don't be fooled, she's not a real policewoman. That's just a costume.

wlddog 14

Fooled me 5 times, shame on the police lady. Fool me 37 times, shame on me.

And if ironically they say they are a physical education teacher, be even more suspicious.

perdix 29

Don't hesitate if it's the Latin teacher -- he's really into the classics and antiquities!

Children say the darnedest things. I'm sure the teacher will just shrug it off.

crazytwinsmom 25

PTA meetings are going to be interesting.

wlddog 14

Bring a camera and a stand. Then before the meeting starts, set it up and focus it on the teachers desk. Then give the teacher a 'you've been naughty look' and tell the teach. "Why no, I didn't do my homework."

zombieslayer83 19

Yeah, those TNA meetings will be interesting. Shit, I mean PTA.

That's pretty funny if you think about it, although I'm sure it ruined your reputation with the teacher.

Should've gone with "scary" films. Although now he might amend his statement to "scary adult films." That'll make a great parent-teacher conference.

wlddog 14

Ask his teacher if they want to watch one of your "Adult films" to clear up the situation. If they are excited about it, you will know if the teacher is a perve.

vadaaa 11

At least it's a story to tell later on! Just go to the school to speak to the teacher and set if straight.