By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 22:08 - United States - Marsing

Today, I told my boyfriend that I've missed my period, and that I think I might be pregnant. He started panicking and ended up puking in the toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 472
You deserved it 12 274

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's a big news so I understand his reaction. Kids are ******* expensive and time consuming. It's not something you want to take on without being prepared.

Well that's a normal reaction. Not everybody has a strong will. I know i'd panic at first too... Don't put too much thought into it! :) congrats if you are pregnant!


it's a big news so I understand his reaction. Kids are ******* expensive and time consuming. It's not something you want to take on without being prepared.

simplysarcastics 26

Which everyone knows but if you are adult enough to lay down with someone, then you are adult enough to deal with the outcome. I get he is scared but why not just prevent this in the first place? Op seems to be handling it better, and Cudos to her and good luck, tell him to be responsible for his actions and he will get over the fright and do whats right. I guess him throwing up is better than ditxhing,

I mean, based on his reaction they were clearly using protection to avoid such a thing (otherwise it wouldnt be so shocking), being prepared to have sex =/= being ready to raise a child.

I don't understand why abortions never come up in these discussions. It's such an obvious and "clean" solution (no downside barring cost). and stopping a pregnancy in the middle is no different than never getting pregnant in the first place. Either way there's no baby!

simplysarcastics 26

Yeah but we all know what could happens when people do the do. Condoms fail, bc too. We all learn that and are aware of reprocusions. I am outie. There are more important things for me to argue for, like stuff that no one brings on themselves. Peace.

it's quite a difference. even if you are fine with it emotionally, it is still a massive shock to the system - more so the more advanced the pregnancy is. Whilst abortion is something that should be available for every woman, it's not as easy and simple as flushing the toilet, and that's without getting into philosophical questions.

Aww come on this sounds like a typical guy reaction, albeit a little extreme. I definitely felt sick to my stomach when we found out my girl was pregnant. Yet 4 years later I have sole custody. Just because a guy doesn't handle the initial shock well doesn't mean he won't be a good parent. Give your guy some room to freak out a little OP , it's natural.

They say it's approximately $250,000 to raise a child from birth to when they're 18. So I completely agree with #1 and OP's reaction lol

In the boyfriends defense, it was equally op's responsibility. If she consented, their both stupid if they didn't us any type of protection.

naarz 9

Clearly this is very important to the both of them.....You should consider seeing a doctor, or waiting it out till the next month just incase, you should also consider talking about the situation.....seeing your next steps and what not......unplanned pregnancies are not exactly the easiest thing to deal with. Hopefully OP your not pregnant. Then again unless you want to be then yea.

@27, I know plenty of people who have practiced 100% unprotected sex, and were still upset, scared, And for some reason, surprised that they ended up with a baby.

#49 these situations lead to abortions. I just hope OP is smart art enough to understand that she will have to have this baby.

I really hope OP responds to this FML

Now u have us all wondering of she will are will not...Who knows she might not even be pregnant...

Well that's a normal reaction. Not everybody has a strong will. I know i'd panic at first too... Don't put too much thought into it! :) congrats if you are pregnant!

Damian95 16

Everything will work itself out. If it happens, it was meant to be. Be proud and prepare to deal with the future.

cwbygmer 2

that is very true but then I believe there are no such thing as an unplanned pregnancy you don't use protection of any kind we all know what results from that. So if anyone doesn't want kids either no sex or don't take anyone's word that they are on birth control or are sterile or whatever reason USE PROTECTION.

MilkshakeSwagger 13

you cant blame him for panicking!

CallMeMcFeelii 13

At first I thought it said "packing" instead of "panicking". I would probably end up packing and head down to Paradise City. Where the grass is green and the girls aren't carrying my baby..

I panicked too when my gf's period was delayed by a week or so, and it happened multiple times. It's not that I didn't want to be responsible of what's coming next, I was just not ready for that.

and that is why we don't tell the boyfriend until you take a test! I mean really it takes 3 mins, and can be taken at any time, even before your missed period!! You made him worry for nothing. YDI OP

Yeah, that's huge did you expect him to react? Unless you were planning for a baby, I'm thinking this is a pretty fair reaction...

How he reacts physically doesn't matter as long as he is there for you and the baby emotionally during and after the pregnancy!

karatekid97 17

Shouldn't you be the one to have urges to throw up?

Don't know how old you are, but an unplanned pregnancy can be rough at any age. Intense emotions and stress frequently cause nausea. its not a comment about you, its just the way the body reacts. Best of luck.

ninjuh_wingman 29

You're going to have a child with him. That's a huge responsibility. His reaction is understandable.

As long as he doesn't bail on you and the baby, you can't blame him for his initial reaction! It's a big shot to take if you weren't planning for it.